Chapter 16

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"Where were you?" My mom yelled at me as soon as I stepped one foot into the door.

          Oh, no! I realized then in all my excitement, I forgot to call my mom and tell her the news. I guess now was as good a time as any. I just hope that she isn't to mad at me for not calling her.

"Mom, I am so sorry." I started as I walked into the living room. I looked at my mom and she looked like she was in the middle of reading when I walked in, but now she was staring at me intently waiting for me to answer her question.

"Just tell my why you are late Olivia Grace!" She huffed obviously getting aggravated.

"I was at rehearsals. I was so excited I forgot to call you and tell you." I replied with caution not wanting to anger her even more.

"Tell me what?" She said with her tone softening.

"I got the part of Sandy." I said giddily.

"Olivia, that is fantastic!" My mother said getting up to hug me.

"There is just one problem." I said after the warm embrace from my mom.

"What's wrong? Why don't you sit down and we can talk about it?" She replied with her mothering instincts kicking in.

"It's Noah..." I began.

"Noah Fields?  Your best friend, the one that you were so upset to leave when we moved to New Jersey?  The boy that you have always been in love with?" She asked whilst raising her eyebrows.

"Yes." I said, ignoring the last comment.

"What is wrong about him, sweetie?"

"Noah doesn't like Tyler, and well Noah is going to be playing Danny, which means that I have to kiss him. The problem is when I came back Noah was really nice to me, and I thought that maybe we would become friends again. I then started to date Tyler, and we got into a fight about me not really knowing Tyler. Since our fight he hasn't talk to me." I rushed.

"I know you probably don't want to hear your old mother's opinion."

"No, mom I do want to hear your opinion. I don't know what to do. Noah and I used to be best friends, but now it feels like we are strangers."

"I think you should talk to him, honey. Tell him that you understand that he doesn't like your boyfriend, but you miss being friends with him."

"You know what?" I smiled. "I think I will talk to him tomorrow."

"Good." My mom said.

"Thank you, Mom."

"It was nothing, honey." She replied nonchalantly.

"No mom, thank you for always being there for me. Thank you, for being someone that I can always go to no matter what."

          My mom didn't say anything, she didn't have to. I could tell by the look on her face that I took her by surprise for thanking her. She also showed, in that moment, she felt much appreciated.

When I went back to my room, I got a text from Tyler. He invited me to come out with him on a date. I naturally replied yes.


When I went back to my room, I got a text from Tyler. He invited me to come out with him on a date.  I naturally replied yes.

          Within twenty minutes of the text I was sitting in Tyler's passenger seat. I had no idea where we were going but I couldn't wait to get to wherever we were going.

"So, how was your day?" I asked finally breaking the silence.

"It was pretty good, how was yours?"

"Great, thanks!"

Finally, after another few moments of silence we reached our destination. I was slightly confused.

"Putt-Putt?" I asked while half laughing.

"What? Was this not a good idea?" He asked genuinely nervous.

"No, I love Putt-Putt. I guess just from your whole look I figured that you wouldn't like stuff like this."

"Well, you're wrong. I love Putt-Putt."

We played Putt-Putt for a few hours. I realized in those few hours I learned more about Tyler than I ever would have learned about him in just a few weeks.

I learned that he was kind, a gentleman, and wanted to keep his bad boy persona. But, in actuality it was like that was his shield so that he wouldn't get hurt.

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