Chapter 12

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Today was the day of the auditions for the musical. I felt prepared, nervous as heck, but ready and determined to do my best.

I was currently waiting my turn to be called to do my audition. We were all sitting outside of the Theater. There was a row of chairs. When we came to the theater they put us all in numeric order. I was currently five spots away from going into my audition.

Noah was two spots in front of me. He didn't seem to notice me though. He hadn't even looked at me the whole time that we had been sitting there. I knew that I should have talked to him but I didn't know how to. I felt like he hated me, and that being friends again wasn't in the cards.

About ten minutes later it was my turn to go into my audition. My hands were shaking but I tried to take deep breaths as I made my way to the stage.

"Alright Olivia," Mrs. Jones started. "First you are going to do your monologue then you will sing your song."

"Okay." I breathed.

"Start whenever you are ready."

My monologue was from The Little Shop of Horrors. It was Audrey's monologue. I took a deep breath and began. 

  "I dream of a place where we could be together at last... It's just a daydream of mine. A little development that I dream of. Just off the interstate in a little suburb, far, far from urban Skid Row. The sweetest, greenest place - where everybody has the same little lawn out front and the same little flagstone patio out back. And all the houses are so neat and pretty... 'Cause they all look just alike. Oh, I dream about it all the time. Just me. And the toaster. And a sweet little guy - like Seymour..."

"Now it's time for your song. What are you singing?" asked Mrs. Jones.

"Jenna's part of You Matter to Me from Waitress." I smiled. This was my all-time favorite song from a musical. Yet again, I took another deep breath and started. I sang hoping that my voice didn't come out too shaky. I sang my heart out, until I hit the mini monologue. 

"Dear Baby, I hope some day somebody wants to hold you for twenty minutes straight. They don't pull away, they don't look at your face, and they don't try to kiss you. All they do is wrap you up in their arms and hold on tight without an ounce of selfishness to it. I hope you become addicted to saying things and having them matter to someone."

When I finish the song, I feel like crying. The song always makes me really emotional. I just think that it is so sad and beautiful that out of a horrible abusive relationship could come a baby that changes Jenna's whole world.

"Olivia that was amazing, I had no idea that you could sing like that!" Mrs. Jones beamed.

"Thank you." I said blushing profusely.

I then turned to leave the stage and exit the theater. When I got out the sun was blinding. But I did manage to see one thing as I exited, Tyler.

Tyler was standing outside of the door waiting for me to come out of my audition. He noticed me and smiled.

"Hey, how did it go?" He asked.

"It went really well, but I'm still nervous about getting a role though." I revealed.

"Don't be, I think that you'll get the lead. And if not, then they are crazy, because you were amazing." He said wrapping me in a hug.

"Thank you!" I blushed.

"Hey, so tonight is the first home football game and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?"

I'd never been to a high school football game before. Lame I know, but in my old school football wasn't as popular as soccer or lacrosse, so only extreme fans of football went to the games. I really wanted to the football game, until I remembered who was captain of the football team. I stopped for a second, why should I let Noah ruin my night and high school experience. It was clear that he did not even really care about me at all.

"What the hell? Yeah, why not?"

"Great! I'll pick you up at 6!"

"See you then!"

A/N: The next chapter will be all about the football game. I will try to make it longer. But, I am going out of town today so it probably won't go up until Sunday. Thanks for reading! -Ally

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