Chapter 9

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After lunch it was time for theater. I sat down at my regular spot, but Noah didn't sit with me.

I missed the comfort of having him sitting beside me. Even when we weren't talking it was just nice to have him there to keep me company, and know that there was someone there for me. It was also nice to have my best friend back.

"Alright class!" Mrs. Jones started. "It is time to announce this year's musical!" She said with excitement clear in her voice.

The class broke into chatter about what it could possibly be; I just smiled and wished that Mrs. Jones would get on with it.

"The musical this year is ...wait for it... Grease!" she squealed.

I couldn't believe it! I loved Grease; I had seen the move about a billion times and had seen the play on Broadway. I knew all the songs and adored the story line. I had my heart set on the part of Sandy, she was my ultimate favorite cinematic character. "You're The One I Want" was my favorite song in the whole movie! Finally the bell rang ending the school day. I couldn't wait to get home and tell my mom! It was one of her favorites too and she was the one who introduced me to the movie.

I was on my way to my car when I felt a hand on my back. I turned around to see Tyler.

"Hey! What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing much. How was the rest of your day?" Tyler asked me.

"It was so amazing!" I beamed.

"Sorry about lunch but glad to know it didn't ruin your day. Well, are you going to tell me what happened or are you just going to leave me guessing?" He smirked.

"Oh right! Umm... it's kind of stupid." I blushed.

"Just tell me, if it is important to you, then it's not stupid!" Tyler said.

"The school play this year is Grease! It's one of my favorite movies, and I'm just very excited!" I rushed.

"Well that's not nothing! That's great! Are you going to audition?" He asked.

"Yeah. I have to go pick up my sister but I'll text you later." I replied.

"MOM!!!" I screamed as I busted through the front door. My mom came running down the stairs.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt? Did you hit something with your car?" She asked quite frantically.

"No." I laughed at my paranoid mother.

"Then why were you screaming?" She asked.

"They announced the musical at school today and it's Grease." I gushed.

My mom pulled me in for a hug. "Oh, Liv that's amazing, are you going to audition."

"Of course." I smiled.

I brought out my phone to text Tyler.

*Liv: I want to talk about what happened today at lunch. *

*Ty: Again, I am so sorry. *

*Liv: I would say that it's fine, but honestly, I am not okay with what happened. *

*Ty: I know what I did was wrong. But, I just could not stand the way that he was looking at us. Like we were filth. *

*Liv: It doesn't give you any excuse to try and beat up one of my best friends. And he wasn't looking at us like we were filth. He is mad at me because I yelled at him this morning. And he doesn't really like you that much for whatever reason. *

*Ty: I'm sorry. *

*Liv: Can you stop apologizing? I'm not upset anymore. I just don't want you to make a habit out of trying to beat up my best friends, okay? * 

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