Chapter Fifty Nine -His Majesty's Crown-

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I plan to end this book between 60-63 (maybe 65) chapters.  :'(


"--His Majesty, King Levi Ackerman--!"

Our time together as Prince and Servant were possibly the best years of my life. Levi's entire presence was cold, intimidating, but most of all - powerful. Levi's sole existence was to claim his father's crown and obtain the most absolute position:

King of his people.

An unstoppable, ruthless ruler with immense power. Levi was born and raised by his cruel, borderline abusive father for this only role. As a child, he watched the position of King destroy his father and wither away his mother. I do not know their names or appearances. Levi ensured all paintings of them were destroyed.

The apparent four year wait to claim the throne had finally come to an end. Two years earlier, rumours began to spread across his beloved Kingdom claiming that Levi had no heart and was a spawn of the devil.

Until he met me.

I was originally from Chi. A foreign assassin trained in the arts of the curved sword, used to subdue and kill guards from Levi's Kingdom. I mastered my chosen weapon under the supervision of General Pixis and my treasured friends, Reiner Braun and Marco Bolt.

We soon became inseparable.

Until the 'Great Chi Fire' - my village was burnt to the ground, all that remained were ashes from once pretty huts and charred bodies from desperately trying to escape the flames.

I left deceased friend, Marco Bolt behind and my now lifelong ally, Reiner Braun behind too. Upon arrival in Levi's Kingdom, I met Eren the thief, who later tuned out to be a runaway Princ--

"Have you finished your speech, (Y/N)?"

I glanced upwards from my current work with a dejected sigh. Writing such emotional speeches was never one of my talents. Levi collapsed into his linen sheets with a loud sigh.

"Not quite. I should be ready in time."

Levi was dressed in the most expensive material in the entire Kingdom. A deep red jacket with gold buttons, black trousers, and below the knee boots. I stood beside him in matching red dress, a light slit up the side, but nothing too revealing. After all, I had an impression to make.

For once, we looked like an actual royal couple.

Levi averted his beautiful steel eyes to the right and casually met my concerned stare. I stood from Levi's generously loaned desk and stretched my back. Sitting in that chair really does hurt. I understand why Levi always groans when he stands up now.

"Are you nervous, Levi?"

I spoke my mind, eager to know what was going on inside that head of his. Levi hadn't voiced his feelings about this topic at all. After a moments silence, Levi finally answered.

"Tch. I'm... distracted about Eren is all. Claiming the throne is the easy part."

I chuckled lightly, Levi was always shunning his emotions away wherever possible. I tried my best for him to embrace them, but his father did a quite the damaging number on his childhood.

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