Chapter Fifty -Trial and Tribulations-

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I awoke in Prince Levi's room.

My prison sickness had nearly faded and overall my body felt completely reenergised. I cast my eyes around the strangely silent room, quickly realising Prince Levi was absent.

Where is he? I suppose he's organising the trial...

I should be in a a cell right now... but Prince Levi ordered my release. I also have to be on high alert during the trial... General Pixis warned me a 'saboteur' would attend.

How troubling...

"Rise and shine, damn brat"

I flinched as Prince Levi suddenly rose from behind his desk. Was he bending down to pick something up? I didn't see him at all.. once Prince Levi approached my bedside, I quickly noticed he showed signs of extreme fatigue. He's sleep deprived... dark circles tainted his eyes and a ghostly pale glow surrounded his skin.

He's worried... I'm awfully distressed too... in hopes of calming his racing nerves, I smiled warmly.

"The trial is at eleven. It's currently eight o' clock right now."

I frowned, rising from my warm covers and stretching my tired joints. Prince Levi crossed his arms with a loud click of his tongue. I should dress and make myself look presentable... I nervously cleared my throat, neatening Prince Levi's luxury bedsheets.

"We'll be separated at nine o' clock. When you enter the trial room you'll be chained to a metal pole to prevent you from fleeing."

I nodded as a sense of fear mixed with crushing nervousness flooded my body like a large ocean wave. Chained to a metal pole? Such extreme lengths... I'm merely his lover not a animal.

"I see..."

Is all I could bring myself to say. Just how many people will be attending? I assume the entire kingdom will be desperate to catch a glimpse of the woman Prince Levi's emotionally involved with.

If things go wrong... I'll be sentenced to hang in the town square. Eren's sadistic wishes will come true.

Prince Levi informed me of a plan if the worse should happen. I hope his strategy is reliable and well thought out. I could die over my love for a royal descendent. Once I finished remaking Prince Levi's elegant linen sheets, I decided my next task was changing clothes.

"You're awfully quiet, brat. Like I say, there is no reason to be worried."

I forced a smile, lightly taking ahold of Prince Levi's hand as he rolled his eyes in response to my reassuring gesture. My heart aches just holding his hand... image how it'll feel seeing him across the room while listening to my sentence. I shakily exhaled as Prince Levi sensed my despair, lightly taking ahold of my chin and lowering my bottom lip.

"Look only at me during the trial. Nobody else."

I nodded, averting my gaze as my skin began to heat up once again. Prince Levi smirked softly, forcing my chin upwards to meet his silver glare.

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