Chapter Twenty Seven -The Picture of Betrayal-

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Editing completed 6/7/2017


Reiner and I stood in deep, low bows whilst avoiding the ferocious glare of our next king. Prince Levi. Our crime? Climbing endangered pear trees and eating the fruit.

"You. My idiotic brat. Climbing pear trees with injuries like yours was a stupid idea."

The Prince turned to Reiner with an equally frightful stare.

"As for you."

Reiner revived a solid, equally painful 'twack!' across the side of his left ear, causing a low groan to escape his lips. Payback, Reiner.

"Stay the fuck out my trees."

My lips twitched upwards; a smile threatening to form. All the times Reiner's lobbed varieties of fruits at my head, the Prince gets a free ear shot.

"Something funny, foreigner?"

I immediately tensed, my smile vanishing as I frantically shook my head. Not another punishment! Surely he wouldn't in front of Reiner?

"Both of you, out. Wait for me to return."

I bowed for a final time as Reiner and I began to leave the Prince's throne room - once we were far away from the Prince possibly eavesdropping on our voices - Reiner quickly raised his hand onto his ear and cradled his fleshy lobe, wining in pain.

"Ow! That guy has some pent up strength, considering he's so short..."

I worriedly checked the hallway was empty before quickly placing my hand over Reiner's blabbering mouth - if anyone were to overhear his words; Reiner's gunna get a one way ticket to the cells.

"Do keep quiet, I don't want to get another scolding because of you."

Reiner shrugged his shoulders, leaning against the golden walls with a bored sigh.

"General Pixis said to keep an eye out for you... he really has changed since our trials."

I rolled my eyes upon hearing Reiner's words. General Pixis really did prove himself to be a changed man the last time I saw him, but without Reiner by his side, what in the word is he doing as we speak?

"Hm~ I see."

Reiner glared at my unenthusiastic response, grunting as he pointed down the hallway.

"Hey. I'm nice to 'Mr. Sunshine' on the throne. Respect General Pixis... he's a good man, and my master."

My eyes widened; Reiner serves General Pixis perfectly, desperately trying not to make mistakes. He values his opinion so highly... he even followed him everywhere after Marco passed away.

"Follow me, foreigners. I'm meeting with Prince Eren."

Prince Levi looked and sounded furious even speaking Eren's name. He briskly walked between the two of us and clicked his fingers. Reiner scowled, but followed behind regardless.

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