Chapter Twenty Three -Heated Recovery-

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Editing completed 6/7/2017


Prince Levi Ackerman, royal descendent.

The foreigner's body slumped forward, clearly no longer conscious. Keeping her awake while trying to manage the bleeding is cruel... the pain alone may force her to pass out anyway... seems my presence is required in Eren's palace once again... I'll kick the living shit out of him.

"Start work on stitching those lashes... can you determine how many she received?"

The medic furrowed his brows, peeling down a small white bandage and examining the bloody pattens traced upon her back.

"Hm... it's hard to tell... her burns don't make it easy..."

A low sigh escaped my lips. Estimate, you fuck.

"If I make an educated guess... maybe two or three times?"

I would guess two lashes... her servant uniform was clearly ripped in two places... I'll ask her for the facts when she wakes up.

"I'll carry her. Follow behind me, your stitching skills are necessary for her survival."

The medic clumsily saluted, picking up his leather bag with a stressed sigh. My faith in him has spiked his clearly shit nerves... I slowly leant forward, my left hand taking ahold of her lower legs.

She's light... her back, which I tried desperately to avoid putting any pressure on, resulted in my left hand pressing her head against my chest.

I remained still for a moment, watching her steady breathing. My judgement was correct. I would of done anything to avoid this punishment... her face clearly twisted into one of discomfort. The 'red rose medic' cleared his throat behind me, sensing the unnecessary wait in silence.

"Lead the way, your majesty."

I clicked my tongue- is this a so called 'princess carry?' How ironic. She is nothing like a Princess... but I don't mind... in fact... I don't fucking care. Passing under the marble archway, my shallow footsteps echo'd around the hall.

Guards have been stationed outside the palace, so the usually heavy patrolled corridors... remained ghostly quiet. I rose my black laced boot to the handle, preparing to bust the shit off the wall.

"I-I'll do that for you!"

My considerate medic smiled nervously, lowering the golden handle- holding the wooden door open for me to pass through. I clicked my tongue, muttering words of thanks as I quickly walked towards the neatly made, white medical bed.

"If you could place her on her front... I'll begin my work."

Reluctantly complying with the medic's words, I lowered the foreigner onto her front as a small whine escaped her throat. Clearly the sedation has begun to fade... if I administer anymore she might sleep for longer than the recommended amount of time... she needs to be awake to eat...

"Hurry the fuck up. The sedation is wearing off."

The medic removed a sterile needle and metal wire - neatly rolled into a sealed white package. I averted my gaze at the sight, blood now completely dried to her skin.

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