Chapter 20

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Ivy's pov

Me and jade are sitting on the couch picking a movie while jesy is getting snacks and drinks

Jasmine sat next to me and helped pick the movie

" let's watch the incredibles " Jasmine said

" jesy doesn't like that movie " jade said

" what about a comedy " I asked

" yes we all need a good laugh " Jasmine agreed

Jade did to so we searched Netflix for a good comedy movie

The little kids were out getting ice cream with Alex and going to the park

Once we decided on Bad moms we started the movie

Alex's pov

I took the little ones to get some icecream at the park because it is a niceday out

Pax, Tyler and Eva are running around and belle is walking with me

Belle was a bit behind because she is just learning to walk

" Eva , pax , Tyler be careful " I called

I think they are playing tag because Eva tagged pax and ran away

Pax tagged Tyler making him fall down . I quickly helped him up

" you ok little buddy " I asked setting him on his feet and giving him a high five

He giggled and continued to run, I'm glad he was fine , jesy would kill me if we came home and he was hurt badly

Belle was behind me walking step by step with her tiny feet

I smiled at her " come on munchkin " I said

She tried to run but fell down " uh oh" she said . She just learned to say that , so every time she falls she says it , it's adorable

It took a few seconds for her to stand up on her own

I stopped walking so she could catch up when she reached me i held her hand helping her walk

We had to cross the street soon to get to the park

"Come here kids " I said

Eva ran over to me , but pax kept running

Tyler was on the floor crying , he probably fell again

I sighed " help your sister Evs "

" k daddy " she said holding belles hand and following me " I love belles , she is like a pwincess "

She kept talking about belle, I smiled

I tried to grab pax before he ran into the street but he was to fast

" i go " he said running faster

I caught his shirt and picked him up

" that was dangerous " I snapped at him

I put him down , he tried to run off but tripped over my foot

He screeched and fell to the floor crying .Eva was still talking

Great I have two crying toddlers on the floor , a three year old that is talking alot and an infant that is still learning to walk . Why did I think this was a great idea again ??

I sighed putting pax on his feet and attending to Tyler

He had a scratch and his knee from falling , it was slightly bleeding

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