Chapter 1

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Perries pov

I woke up and got ready , I went to Paxton's room , he was playing with a fluffy toy in his crib , he looked at me and smiled , his dimples are adorable

" good morning baby boy " I said

"Awmma " he said bouncing

I gigled

I picked him up and got him changed . There was only few times that I get Paxton ready, jades addicted to him so most of the time she gets him ready , while I get Eva . I went to her room , she wasn't there so

I walked downstairs with pax on my hip , the only ones up were , jesy, Jade , Ivy and jasmine

" morning pez , morning pax " jasmine said

" morning " the others said

" good morning weres Eva " I asked

" with Alex , she was screaming and you were sleeping so he took her " jesy said

" oh sucks for him " I laughed


Me , Leigh, Jade , and jesy decided to go to the plaza for an interview on clothes , I decided to bring pax along since he was being fussy.

We talked and talked , then shopped

" girls look " I said holding up a black ferero hat

" aww" jesy said

I heard paparazzi cameras

" shit lets go before fans find out we're here " Jade says

" alright " Leigh said , we all put on our sunglasses

" ready .. run" jade says

We ran to the car and drove off quickly


" I need food " jade said as we went in the kitchen

" me to " I said

I grabbed an apple

Paxton started to cry from his play mat
" what's wrong baby " I asked
He didn't respond he does this sometimes ,
" are you hungry " I asked
" no " he cried
" tired " I asked
" no" he said quickly almost cutting me off , the girls found that absolutely hilarious
He obviously is tired , that must be why he is cranky it's my fault because he skipped his nap time
I picked him up and placed him on my hip
I went upstairs and grabbed his pacifier
I put it in his mouth
He spit it out
I sighed and put him in his crib I stuck the pacifier in his mouth
He stood crying for a minute then layed down and fell asleep

I went down stairs .

" is he sleeping" jade asks

" yea I don't know why he was so cranky today he slept 14 hours " I sighed

" there like that pez" jest says
I noded

I'm excited because jade is finally cutting her hair . we're getting our nails done also

Jades pov

" jade go get ivy and jasmine to watch the kids while we go " Leigh says

" why me " I whine going upstairs to Ivy's room

" hey girls can you two watch pax and Tyler . Pez and I have an appointment and jesy and Leigh are Coming to" I explained

" what ..... fine " ivy says

" wait we can't handle both at the same time " jasmine said

" sure you can pax is sleeping and Tyler should be no problem . " I said rushing down stairs

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