Chapter 8

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i bursted into tears not bieng able to move my legs , he picked me up hugging me

" its all over baby i already know what happend all is forgiven, just please don't do that again " he said kissing my forehead " but if you ever do it again you will be sorry"

belle was crying in her crib " uncle si what about belle" perrie asked bringing her out and wiping the left over tears , she placed her next to us

" put her in her carrier and grab her baby bag ill send her nany to my house to come pick her up " he said tickling belle she gigled making pez smile

" alright come on girls " he said carrying me to the car

jesy looked guilty , he layed me in his car and pez got in and held me

he drove us to his mansion and we went in

pez got belle kissing her face a million times before giving her to her personal nany named sharon , she was a very close family friend

they left and simon made us go in the livving room

" jade why did you chuck the flogger at jesy " he asked smiling

" im sorry i just had found out that jesy beat ivy out of anger and she didnt stop until me and pez broke the door down " she explained

" how about we use our words next time , im going to punish you for doing that but its not a spanking " he said " its an appology and you can have 5 minutes in the corner " he said smiling

she nodded " im sorry for doing that jesy " she said a little cold " but dont expect my forgiveness for what you did for the second time "

she walked over to the corner

" ivy im so sorry baby i didnt mean to do that to you, it just happened and i feel terrible i just didnt want you ruining your body with such awful things , i will never hate you and i never did i was just so upset with you because you know all of the rules and i didnt think out of all of those you would choose to break that one , im not asking for forgivenes but im asking you to still love me " jesy said

" im not mad at you jesy im a little sore but its all fine i love you and i do forgive you but please just give pez and jade some time to get over it aswell , this is practicly my fault for smoking in the first place " i said and smiled

she nodded and smiled

" now perrie you know why your in trouble correct " he asked

pez nodded " because i punched jesy "

" pez im just going to give you 10 with the belt for punching jesy " he said

i heard perrie sigh in relief

" ivy let me see your bum please " he said

perrie turned me over and pulled my pants down

" alright thankyou jesy im going to give you 200 with the hairbrush and 20 with the belt " he said

jesy nodded and walked off to his office

" can you spank me right now si cause i want it over with " perrie asked

he nodded grabbing a belt

he left up perries clothes and gave her 5 and let her up

" si you forgot 5 more " she said

" i know but you dont deserve that, you were just protectiong your baby, i would do the same and jade you don't really have to stand there  " he said kisisng her head " now you girls go get some rest "

perrie picked me up and we went upstairs grabbing jade who was on her phone on the way

we went up to the guest room that had all of the girl clothes from when we would spend the night

i dressed in footie pajamas i had there and pez helped me undo my hair  jade took off my makeup they got ready and we layed in the bed and turned on the tv , perrie stroked my hair and jade cuddled into me as we watched a movie

the air filled with perries small and quiet snores and jades soft breathing

" alright seriously guys its hot " i said movng around and ruining the moment

pez lightly hit my head and laughed while jade groaned

we sat up and watched mean girls, then the second one

i fell asleep and felt them both kiss my head


" morning " jade screamed in my ear

i shot up screaming

" what was that for " i asked

" uh I don't know to be honest " she said snickering

" haha very funny Amelia " I said kicking her

We got dressed and went down stairs

Perrie was talking with jesy

They saw us and smiled

" morning ivy are you ok " jesy asked

I nodded " morning everyone," I said going to sit in her lap

I noticed pez wasn't mad at jesy , I'm glad , I knew jade was though and she will be for awhile

" can we see Leigh today " I asked

" she's coming yah " perrie said

" I miss her " jesy said

" me to Jess " perrie said

I grabbed some food and started eating

" so pez your not mad " jade asked

" no we all would have done the same thing it's just jesy got upset more seeing that you did the same thing " perrie said " besides ivy is ok right "

" yah " I smiled

" thanks girls for not being upset I love you " jesy said hugging us

" I never said I wasn't upset jesy but I love you to " jade said not looking at her

We went home and waited for Leigh

The door opened and she came in

" Leigh Leigh " we all screamed running and hugging her

" hey girls how was everything " she asked

We explained everything that happens to her and she was a little mad at me , and mad at jesy

" well are you girls ok " she asked huffing a bit

" yes " we answered .

She sighed

I'm glad everything is good with Jess and pez, Im not sure how jade is gonna treat jesy or if Leigh is going to get upset when she sees the damage of my bum , Jasmine is going to hate jesy once she finds out so I'm not telling her

Another update because I love you guys next chapter should be up by time your reading this or finishing 😚

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