Chapter 6: Broken Promises

Start from the beginning

“Sorry old man, but we don’t want you here”, a tall brunette girl stated.

“Please just for a night. We haven’t had any rest for days”, Raymond pleaded.

“Don’t be so harsh on them Jane. Of coarse you can stay the night”, the blond man said as he lowered his gun, “The names Benjamin Moody. Like I said, this is Jane, the short man over there is Leroy and the other man is Ron.”

“Ben Moody! I thought it was you! Long time no see!” Josh said as he walked over to the table, “Remember me. I’m Josh Couto!”

“I can’t believe it. You actually survived this long. I just assumed that most of my old friends were dead.”

“We’ll I’m not dead yet!” Josh stated, “Now I’ll introduce you to my group. Of course you know Jessica, Jordan, Randi, Jayme, and Ray.”

“How could I forget Raymond? He gave me a scar on my arm in outdoor ed when we were in high school!”

“Still won’t let that go will you Ben”, Raymond teased.

“No I won’t!” Ben Moody replied, “Here, I’ll take you on a little tour of the place!” Ben started to walk out the front door and everybody followed. Jane took the lead and walked to the building across the street.

They continued to walk around what used to be Whistler Village. They looked at the different buildings in the village, and occasionally went inside some of the buildings. After about an hour of walking they went inside a building with the words Telemark written on the side. They walked inside and saw a man who was skinning a deer.

Ben walked up to him and asked, “You almost done their Travis? A group of people came by and I think there is one individual you would like to see.”

“Who is it?” Travis asked, still looking at the deer.

“It’s your brother Jordan!” Ben answered. The two brothers got tense when Ben said this. Their eyes widen and they looked at each other. They stared at each other for a while and didn’t say anything. Travis was the last person Jordan wanted to see. After a fight they had years back the two brothers haven’t talked since. In fact it was so bad that Jordan didn’t even invite Travis to his and Jessica’s wedding. Travis didn’t want to see his brother either, but he didn’t want to look like a complete idiot so he walked over to Jordan, shook his hand, and said,

“Hello, Jordan!” He squeezed Jordan’s hand hard and smiled.

“Hello, Travis”, Jordan replied, trying not to make eye contact. The two brothers released hands than walked away from each other. Jane looked at the two brothers and said,

“I don’t get why you to are acting like such assholes to each other. You are brothers and you haven’t seen each other in years. You would think you would want to talk to your family. Well let’s get heading back, it’s getting late.”

“Good idea”, Ben agreed as they started to walk back to the building where the groups met. They walked for a bit then saw a few walkers eating a deer. They slowly walked past them, trying to not get noticed. They kept walking and saw more walkers all huddled up in a group. Pablo started to get scared and he held onto Martin. The group decided to ignore the infected and keep on walking. For whatever reason the walkers weren’t paying any attention to the group. So they kept walking towards the building when they saw a huge group of infected in a building across the street.

“We can’t stay out in the open with all of these geeks walking around”, Raymond said as he tried to look for another route.

“We could go through that hotel. There is an exit on the other side that will take us right across the street from where we met”, Leroy suggested as he pointed at a building. He started to walk inside and the group followed. They walked across the hotel lobby to find that the exit on the other side had been blocked by furniture.

“We aren’t going to be able to make it through here unnoticed”, Josh stated as he inspected the door, “Moving all of this furniture will make too much noise.”

“We could go up stairs. There should be a fire escape on the side of the building. So if we got to the roof of the hotel we would be able to go down the fire escape”, Ron stated. So the group turned around and started to go up the stairs.

“Shit. The stairs are broken here”, Jordan said when he got to the fourth floor, “We won’t be able to make it up. We are going to have to go through the hotel a bit more.”

“Okay we can just go through this floor”, Ben said as he tried to push open the door, “It won’t budge. I think there is something blocking the door. Somebody come give me a hand.”

“I’ll help”, Ray offered as he helped Ben push the door open. The door started to move a bit then they heard a loud screeching sound. They stopped pushing and waited for a bit, but the screeching sound didn’t happen again. So they started to push the door again. The hi-pitch screech started up again.

“It’s got to be whatever is behind that door”, Josh stated. Ben and Ray continued to push the door and they almost got it opened, when Jessica noticed a huge group of infected coming up the stairs. She turned around frantically and said,

“Hurry up! There is a shit load of walkers coming up the stairs.”

Jordan and Ben started to push harder and they finally got the door completely opened. Everybody ran through the door as the infected got close to them. Jordan slams the door shut right away and he and Leroy hold it while the walkers start to pound on the door. Ben and Ray quickly grab the cart that was behind the door and push it in front of the door. Jordan and Leroy back away from the door and the group start to run down the halls. As they are running a group of walkers jumps out at them. They easily fend them off then continue down the halls.

“Look there is a window over there! We can get out that way”, Jayme points out as she walks towards the window. The group follows after her but they stop. She doesn’t notice them and keeps walking.

“Jayme stop!” Raymond yelled. A huge chunk of the ceiling was sagging down. It looked like it was collapse any second. Jayme stopped and looked back at Ray.

“What is it?” She asked.

“Walk to me very slowly”, Raymond answered.


“Just do as I say Jayme!” he demanded. So she started to slowly walk towards Ray but it was too late. The chunk of the ceiling crashed down on top of her, crushing her and breaking the floor underneath her. “Jayme!” Raymond yelled as he ran to the hole. He jumped down and tried to dig her out of the rubble. After a few minutes he found her and said,

“Jayme! Jayme wake-up! Come on baby, wake-up!” He put his head to her chest but finds no pulse.

“Please... Say something...” He said as Jessica and Randi jump down into the hole. They both sit down beside Jayme and start to cry when they see her dead on the ground. Raymond looks at her and holds her hand. Then he rests his head on top of hers and a tear rolled down his face. It falls off and lands on Jayme. He sat there beside her motionless, speechless, thinking only of her. Then he leaned in and gave her one last kiss. He let go of her hand and whispered, “I’m sorry I couldn’t take you skiing one last time...” 

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