Chapter 11

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Hey y'all it's mafia Monday! imareadallday thank you for voting! And mia_green for her comments! Thanks to EunJiPark3 for.I've decided to do 3rd person pov from now on till special chapters! Leave feedback I love all the comments you lovely people leave! Rachyriz5 is amazing with her comments and you should check out her work!
Friday updates will be longer than ines on Monday.


Camila, she's a lovely little monster. She hasn't found that fire but when it counts she will. After years of pain she's at the ledge her inner demons telling her to jump. She can let them win or she can fight, she can assemble her mental weapons. She can shut away the thoughts, sometimes to stay alive you have to kill your mind.

So without further delay here is the next chapter! Enjoy
*edited *
3rd person pov:

Moscow Russia

Arkady sat back in his chair, once again looking at the same photos. He was getting restless, the wait too long before he could see his daughter. So he decided to write her a letter, she deserved to know things before getting thrown into the life. He wrote fast and neat, every stroke of his pen showing his power. Every thing he did held power with a twist of elegance, there was no mistaking who was in charge when he was around. His walk was confident and strong, people made a path when he entered a crowed. His face was serious, his grey blue eyes piercing through anyone and everyone's soul. You where lucky to see him smile, the only people who have are his son and closest men. Soon his daughter would be added to that short list of people.

His son was like an exact copy of him, only difference was the age gap. Arkady had some grey hair working into his beard, his son yet to get that seasoned in life. Their character and personality where so similar it was as if they where the same being. This made Arkady proud, he had given his son the best of him. When he was go me he knew his son could handle running the business, exceed his father making a better empire. His men needed a bit of work, most having a bad example of how they should act. They thought it was okay to cheat on their wives, and beat/ sleep with their kids. He was disgusted and when he was in the presence of them doing such things their lives where ended and families where taken care of. Those children would need therapy and so would the wives.

He sighed standing up, the tension aching his bones. He would leave his son in charge for today, he had a feeling that something good would be happening to his son today.

  Alekander was walking down the halls when he heard a scream of pain. His natural instinct was to check out where it came from. As he entered the room he became enraged at the sight before him, 3 of the lower ranking men beating on a women who had nothing but her underwear on. She looked as if she was about to go unconscious, no one noticing his presence in the room. He pulled his gun from his sweatpants pocket, firing a shot off into their legs. They screamed in agony, shock written on their face. They didn't think their boss would shoot them for doing this, but this is why they where in a lower rank than me, they didn't think.

   He called in the cleaning crew who carried the injured men to the infirmary. He mad his was over to the now unconscious woman, taking off his jacket. He sat up her body putting his jacket on her, they did a number on her. He took this time to observe her and what he saw beside bruises he likes very much. She was a caramel skinned woman with curly brown hair that went a little past her shoulders. Her long thick lashes layed against her cheeks that where bruised and tear stained.

  Her beauty was haunting, her creamy skin was so soft. He had never been around many black people in his stay in America, but she made him curious. He had nothing against any other race that wasn't his he just never looked into it much. He picked up her body heading to his room, where he called for a woman doctor to see her privately. The doctor was there as he entered the room, knowing there would be consequences for lateness. He waited outside the room as the doctor did the examination, anxious as ever.

  When she called him into the room he didn't waste a second entering, finding his own eagerness strange. "Boss she isn't doing too well." Her words made him with he killed the 3 men who hurt her, his newfound angel. "What's wrong?" He asked hoping the damage wasn't too severe. "She has two broken ribs and old scars on her body. There are ones that seem to be a day or two old which was before her stay here. There are signs of sexual trauma to her body. I did a rectal and vaginal test and found scarring. Someone used this poor girl up." He was raging inside, how could anyone hurt someone this beautiful? He thanked her and she took her leave after giving him the medicine for her to take. If her body was this messed up how was she mentally?

  He promised himself that he would take care of her and help heal these old wounds. Alekander would make the people who did this pay, he could already feel the amazing sensation of their blood in his hands. He tucked her into his bed so she could rest then stepped out the room to call his father, the one person who could guide him. He picked up instantly to Alekander's relief, "what is wrong son?" He filled his father in quickly on the situation and his father could sense in the short time his son knew the girl that he had made a connection to her. "I will help you get your revenge son but do not forget your responsibilities and that your sister will be here soon. She will need you just as much as your woman."

   He hung up before his son could reply, he knew he would still be responsible. He also wanted his sister here just a much, no one could change that. He liked that his father called her his woman, his angel. Her wings where taken but he would help her get them back again.

So here y'all go! What do you guys think of a spin off story for Alekander and his mystery girl?

Let me know what you guys think!

Remember to comment and vote it would rock!

So stay awesome till Friday lovely people!


Word count: 1151

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