I: That's quite a revelation. What do you have to say Mr. Best Husband?

R: I am... I am flattered. She has never said things to me like that. I .. I love this yaa. (He looked at her and she slightly cringed her nose and smiled). Of course I know she loves me and all but this is amazing. But that is too much credit for me. You know it is not all about me. It is both ways. It is such a beautiful relationship that I can't imagine being in this with anyone else. If I try and keep it binned together, she makes sure that there is enough space for both of us to breathe. She makes sure it is not stagnant but at the same time it also doesn't get monotonous which is very different from her personality. She likes routine. To get that balance right, one needs to have the right balance between the heart and the mind.

I: Right balance of heart and brain. Interesting.(To Ananya) What do you have to say?

A:(Laughing) I have to agree. No. It does need a balance and I'm glad we have it. It is mixture of a lot of things.

I: Does it sometime bother you guys that you'll are not from the same profession?

Specially you Ananya, it could be different if he was not a star.

A: I don't know about the star but he would definitely be different of he was not an actor. For the other part, the fact that he is a public figure and people having opinions about him doesn't bother me. I completely trust him.

I: Have you never doubted that trust based on what is in the newspaper or in the rumors?

She turns to look at him and his eyes meet her.

A: Never. In all these years he has never come and told me 'Listen don't believe in things that you read.' That is what makes me trust him more.

R: I never had the need to. People will write and say what they have to but until I see that trust in her eyes, I'm not concerned.

I: Your bond by the grace of god has grown stronger in all these years. We're you always looking for the kind of partners you'll finally have?

A: No.

R:(enacting the interviewer to Ananya) But was there ever a type of person?

A: No.

I: So did that make this relationship low on expectations?

A: I think because both our ideas of love was so different that when we were finally in one, more than fulfilling expectations, it was a learning experience.

R : It still is.

A: Right. It still is. I had never been in a relationship so basically my knowledge was zero. While he, from very early on knew how he wanted to fall in love, how he'd make her happy, what he'll do. He was very much prepared. Also his earlier relationships gave him an insight into a woman. Once into it, I was just the receiver or the balancing factor. He did the initial efforts. He is a fantasy romantic kinda person.

R: I am or rather was. I mean, agreed I kinda had set rules for my love but with her all of that slowly started going into vain. I started being more of myself, the inner me which didn't obviously come out in front of my crushes. It did come out with her. It was easier to have a conversation. The day she started looking at me as a friend and not The Rehan Kundra. I think I fell in love. I may have realized it late. But I did fall for her too early.

A: You are a tube light.

R: And you are my electricity.

Ananya instantly cringed at the cheesy pickup line.

A: Moving forward. (She smiled at the interviewer)

I: You know Rehan is such a loved star and has a humongous and a loyal female fan base. He is also one of those male stars whose fan base didn't change even after he was taken.

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