••×e n t r y 8ו•

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••×e n t r y 8ו•

[Dear Jungkook,
I'd be admiring you from afar, love you till you find your special someone. . . who's definitely not me.]


Just like how the sun turns to moon, how the stars fade in the morning, how the rain poured heavily, how the day turns to night, how the wind blows cold, how the time flies fast. . . things in earth cannot be stopped.

No one knows how to prevent people form changing, to stop time from flowing, to stop friends in becoming strangers, to make years slow from coming and to make feelings stay. Eventually everyone and everything changes. Feelings fade, even the importance of a memory vanish.

That is how life goes, as years and time passes by.

Even Jungkook got tired of the changes in life.
It's only been a year when he stopped searching for you, he got tired, he forgot about your face, he forgot about your scent, he forgot about what you are to his heart. And you couldn't balme him at all.

Its been five years ever since he met you. You were still a highschool student when he first look into those strange set of eyes you have. He did try his best finding you every year they come back to your country for concerts. He tried looking for you for the past four years after meeting you. . . but how? When the only thing he knew about you is your name and your face. He don't even know your surname nor the spelling of your name.

Every time and every where he searched for you, but your shadows nor your silhouette wasn't anywhere to be spotted. He would look through the oceans of AMRYs every year they came back to your country, hoping to see you there cheering for him like the last time. He searched through the big crowds. . . but too much for the searching, he doesn't know what he was searching anymore.

For years of searching and now he forgot the purpose of the search he was doing. True, that you have never left his mind after meeting you and saying goodbye to you that night. But it has been four years and your still nowhere to be seen. He got tired, he don't even know why was he still searching for you, he doesn't know how you look like anymore, he wasn't sure why he's looking for someone. . . even the memories you shared was fogy to his mind.

So then he stopped.

You never existed in his life now.


Its been five years, but the beautiful memories he left with you was still as clear, as a crystal.

Your meaningful smiles were still for him. . . you never stopped loving him, No! He was still inside your heart and imaginations every night. You would still think of him once in a while. You were still their fan and he's still your first love.

You named the day you met him; the most beautiful moment of your life. You knew he would forget you eventually, but you never did.

You said you wanted to move forward and love someone else who'll love you back, but you didn't. You thought getting rejected would help you forget your feelings for him, but it didn't. You still love him, though it wasn't as strong as before, but the feelings was still there.

Being busy from collage school didn't do much to help you lessen your thoughts about him, even though you don't go to concerts anymore, even though you migrated to United States to study. Your hoping heart for him was still their.

You're still updated. You even learned that Jin, Yoongi and Hobi already enlisted. Jin and Yoongi were back to BigHit, but wouldn't perform with BTS anymore. Though J-Hope. . . he was still at the military.

Your now 22 years old and ready to look for jobs, but your childish heart was still beating for Jungkook. Still fan girling. Still madly in love.

You decided to get rejected to forget, but after that kiss you shared with him. . .

You broke apart and loved him illimitably.

You promised yourself that you won't be selfish, but instead you've decided to, just love him from afar, until your heart gives out.


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