••×e n t r y 1ו•

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••×e n t r y 1ו•

[Dear Jungkook,
You've been all my life, but sadly you didn't even saw me in the crowd.]


4:00 p.m. I might have looked so stupid, standing in front of E'Mall wearing my uniform under my cat-like hoodie that has two cat ears on its hood. The rain is a bit pouring, as the clouds shaded various kinds of colours.

I tip toed my feet glancing at each and everyone passing by me, checking if it was my friends.

My two friends works from a different country, they're older than me and definitely not a teenager anymore, but still I was able to be friends with them. Age was never a matter. Especially, interest!

We actually has the same interest and that is also the reason why we're meeting right now. It's to see BTS, Bangtan Sonyeondan, Beyond The Scene, or Bulletproof Boyscouts. The three of us are fans. And we're here, meeting up to go to the concert together!

"Ugh! Just where are those two!? I thought they told me to hurry up and meet them already?" I asked myself, devastated by the fact they aren't here yet.

"Y/N!" My reflexes were to turn my head when I heard my name being called.

It was Cathy Eonnie and Yrna Eonnie! A smile abruptly plastered my lips as I saw their silhouette.

At last they came!

They threw me a white printed with BTS logo shirt as we made our way to the concert's venue. We chatted about why they were late which is because they went to a printing shop for BTS' banners. And why do I look like a cosplayer with my uniform right now. Well, to be honest. . . I'm wearing a uniform because its Friday and I just got home from school when they called me and told me to hurry. So yeah I ended up with my uniform, earning eyeing judgments from people passing by. I really looked like a high school girl who cutted her classes. Its embarrassing.


"Annyeonghasaeyo~ Dul! Set! Bangtan Sonyeondan!" Fans clapped and cheered for BTS as they made their entrance.

We were astonished and amazed as well. We're sitting at the lower box VIP, reason for us to see them very clearly. Each and everyone of them is amazingly handsome in different ways.

They performed 'DNA' after their small talks with fans and just as they performed, fans had never stopped screaming and chanting there names. It was definitely a beautiful and heart warming sight for ARMYs to see them perform live, breathing the same air we breath and sing with us.

And. . .

Have I mentioned how attractive Namjoon is with his tall figure and slender, nicely shaped body? His eyes were long and wide and the more he talks in English fluently the more attractive he became.

Jin is as handsome as he looked in their pictures. He's beauty was like from a goddess. How his wide shoulders would look strong made him look manly, it would definitely leave the idea of thinking he's really beautifully handsome.

Yoongi entered the most dangerous man just now! He was a very bad bias wrecker! He's the bias wrecker of the year! How his strong eyes would pierce you would made you shiver. He's attractive and I must say, he wasn't lying about his 'swag' what I mean is. . . he is hella cooler than I thought!

J-Hope as well is very handsome, I'd say he's also the bias wrecker of the year. You may think he's face is very long, but seeing him in person was nothing, but perfection! You'll definitely loose sanity when you see him dance. It was terrific!

Jimin wasn't a big help in ruining my Bias list either! He's long charming eyes were so incredibly attractive, he look soooo nice and gentle, but sexy as he dance to the rhythm. His voice was soothing and so as his sweetness towards the ARMYs. Now that! That's another point! He's a hot angel in disguise!

Taehyung on the other hand was attractive as each of them, he actually doesn't look real because he looked so stunning. I'd say he's like a real life anime! His big eyes and perfectly pointed nose was a very perfect for his face. I must say calling him handsome was an understatement!

And lastly. . . Jeon Jungkook.

The person I love the most among the seven of them. It was my first time seeing him in person and just staring at him makes my heart beats a thousand times faster than normal fast heartbeats. The soothing sound of his voice sets bolts of shivering glazes down my spine. How he look around the ocean of ARMYs makes my heart skip a beat and my stomack do a fluttering flip. . . he's just so different for me.

He isn't extremely handsome as Taehyung and Jin, but he is something that I wanted to hold very dearly. He's so precious and magnificent for my own perspectives. How his muscular body thoroughly compliments his cute, yet attractively sexy, but beautiful face matches really well. I swear god must've enjoyed showering this man with good looks and talents.

He's so beautiful it makes me wanna cry.

I didn't even know when it started, but all I knew was I was eventually falling for this man who doesn't really know about my existence. All I really know about us is 'I'm his fan under this big crowd' that no matter what happens, even if I love him as a man, I'll forever be just a fan.

I don't really know why I love him. Is that because of his bunny smile? His drawing talent? His dancing skills? His soothing voice? His knowledge about instruments? Him being an otaku? His determination? His passion? Or him being normal, yet golden. Its funny how I don't know why I love him. . . but I'm definitely sure this isn't just infatuation. Would you say I'm infatuated if he hadn't left my mind for one bit of a minute? If all I dream and wished to end up with in the future was him? If I love more of his flaws than his perfections? When my heart is beating like crazy, but only for him?

I wouldn't say I'm just infatuated. I'm crazily in love. But honestly, I can't be loved back by the person I love the most. That, about that. I don't know when to exactly give up on my feelings.

I'm crying, not because I'm so happy that I finally got the chance to see him in person. I'm crying because, seeing him from a far made me realize, how impossible it is for me to be with him. He's like a star and I'm the ant. He's too far away from me. . . too far away for my reach.

Maybe its the reason why I'm crying right now while the concert goes on.

"Gwenchana ja hana dul set hampyeon ijoe, japgo useo~"

"Hana dul set, hamyeon modeon gosi bakwigil~"

Doe joheon naruel wihae uriga hamkige~"

The last song ended. Two! Three! They finally bade their goodbyes to ARMYs who seemed to miss them already.

I did nothing, but to cry at the soothing, yet hurtful ending of their concert.

I hope to see them soon again.

I hate to think this kinds of way, but it hurts my heart by just not thinking of them. I feel like I can't live without Bangtan anymore.

Do I sound selfish?

They've did a very good part in my life so I wouldn't forget them easily. After all. . . their music have saved me.


A/N: Hello, Z here! Welcome to my story. Hope you like this. Vote and comment please. I really appreciate it!😇😊

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