How long has it been?

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Media is Justin Morris

Wyatt's POV

I glance down at my list once again and I see out the corner of my eyes Venus, holding a bag of gummy worms. She sticks her bottom lip out and looks up at me and I chuckle and shake my head, earning a look of disappointment. "Go get me a bag too." I say and her eyes brighten at this and she runs back across the store with a pep in her step.

I grab a few more items for dinner and start looking for Venus. Up and down each isle I look until I notice her  talking to someone. Is that...

"Wyatt! Look who I found!" Venus says excitedly and I freeze as she turns around. It was Ivy, but not my Ivy. She was pale, sickly pale, and she was slimmer than when I knew her. She had dark circles under her eyes and she looked miserable. How could someone change so much in a year...

"Wyatt." She breaths out, her smile on Venus fading, as she looks me over with glassy eyes.

"Ivy." I say and I stare at her in disbelief. She was still gorgeous but she just looked... worn out, tired, and weak. She doesn't know what to do I can tell and I go in for that awkward ex greeting. "How have you been?" I ask her and she smiles politely and shrugs. "I have been great actually. What about you?" She asks and I don't hold anything back. "To be honest I have been missing you. Where did you go? Where have you been. Aubrie and Eli haven't seen you in months." I say and she shrugs and adjusts her clothes and it makes me realize how revealing her clothes were. It was just starting get warm out side and she was showing most of her legs and stomach. It was very tempting. 

"It's none of there business and neither is it yours. Now if you'll please excuse me." She says and gives Venus a brief hug as she walks my way to continue shopping. This wasn't how I wanted things to go if I ever got to see her again...

"I read your new book. It has gotten quite the reviews. Was it inspired by anyone special?" I ask challenging her and she stops and turns to look at me. She looks right in my eye as she shrugs and sighs. "Nobody important." She says and scurries off to a guy at the end of the aisle. He looks me over and I do the same to him as he grabs her waist. The man was scary looking to be honest. He was tall and very muscular. He looked to be much older, like his late 30's. He also looked very familiar.

"Wyatt, long time no see." The man says coming towards me and holds his hand out with a wide smile. I look at his hand and back to his face. "Do I know you?" I ask him and he nods, patting my shoulder. "Its Justin from Body Expanse man. I haven't seen you up there in a while. Did you go and find a new gym?" He says laughs a whole hearted laugh and I nod. "No man, I've just been busy with life you know. Working, raising my sister, its called responsibilities." I say and he chuckles as nods . "Yeah, I guess it comes with age am I right man?" He say chuckling and grabbing my shoulder once again. I look down at his hand and chuckle. "Yeah man, you would know." I say and he chuckles again.

He looks back at Ivy and I raise a brow at her. "So how do you know Ivy?" I ask and looks back at her. "Ah, she's a client of mine. I've been giving her some extra workouts on the side if you know what I mean." He says and bursts out laugh and I pretend to be civil as I laugh with him but I really wanted to punch him.

"Well she looks like she's got enough for you to try and handle right?" I say and he nods. "You got that right. You should come to the gym again some time soon. I could show you up on the weights again." He says and I nod, not really caring. "And between you and me. You might even get a nice show from her." He says and winks as he nods behind him.

I chuckle in an attempt to hold back all of my anger and nod looking back at her. "Sounds like fun. I'll have to take you up on that sometime." I say and he brings me in for handshake and little side bro hug. I wave him off and turn around to Venus. She furrows her brows at him looks at me. "Who was that?" She asks and I sigh as I look forward and keep walking. "That's a douche who's with my girl." I say and Venus sighs.

"Stupid douche." She says with crossed arms and I sigh, running a hand over my face in frustration. "Don't say douche. Even if he is one." I say and she nods and drops it. She looks back, my guess hoping to see her again and I sigh because I missed her too.

I missed her smile, her laugh, her body. Everything about her. Even her attitude as much as I hate to admit it. I stand in line and I notice the cashier perk up once she notices me in line. She was average size, with pretty nice curves but she just didn't do it for me. That and she looked about 17, which I don't mess with children. "Hi sir how are you today?" She asks and I smile and chuckle. "I'm about crazy how about you?" I say abound she nods, that beeping sound become a silent buzz through out check out. "About the same. Do you need anything else?" She asks and I look behind chuckle to myself, as I find a way to mess with her. "A box a XXL Magnums and that should do me." I say and her eyes widen a bit and she looks down at my groin briefly before turning around. Damn, no ass. Yep, young and not my type. When she turns around though I notice an ass I missed a lot.

Ivy's ass.

Douche bag Justins hand rests on it as they walk out and I realize the girl was talking to me. "Um sir are you okay?" She asks with a small shy smile. I nod taking the condoms and I swipe my card as I keep my eyes on Ivy.

When goes out of view, I sigh and get Venus in my car to take home. After dinner I tucked her into bed and I walked to my room feeling frustrated. All those nights of stalking Ivy on social media and I still couldn't get her to stop getting me so worked up. I lock my door as I strip down naked and I walk over to my dresser to take out one of the lingerie picture that she gave me for Christmas.

This was my only real satisfaction lately. Yeah I could get it up at work but it was only because I would take one of those pictures out my wallet and think of her . It was only her. It always would be.

Porn PrinceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora