He runs towards Tanya and jumps into her awaiting arms crying.

"What's wrong Timmy?" She asks as she wipes away his tears.

"Alex and sander, stole my truck," he says in a cute baby voice.

"It's Xander not sander, Timmy and let's go get your truck back," she says to him reassuringly. "I'll be right back Chrissie."

She walks off down the small hall into the living room. I follow and stop in the living room while Tanya takes Timothy who's on her hip into a different room.

I walk on the red fur carpet towards the set of cream sofas. I sit staring at the flat screen TV mounted above a wooden coffee table that lies close to the wall.

On the floor there are toys, books and crayons. There are also drawings on the coffee table and shoes scattered across the room.

"No mommy!" screams a boy as he runs into the room.

He has sandy blonde hair, brown mischievous eyes and a light complexion. He's in a red shirt with khaki shorts.

He runs across the carpet and hops into the one-seater as Tanya reaches out and grabs him. He trashes against her hold as she swings him around.

"Alex go and apologize to Timmy," she huffs as he holds onto the little boy.


Timothy runs into the room along with another fair skinned boy with whitish blonde hair and blue eyes that resemble the ocean. The new child who I'm guessing is Xander jumps and laughs at the sight before him. He grabs his yellow shirt pulling it up as he jumps, his khaki shorts slipping off his waist.

"Mommy catch him!" He yells in excitement.

Timothy who's holding a big fire truck under his arm has a frown on his face as he looks at his mother and brother.

"Mommy why are you fighting with Alex?" He asks in a small voice as he tries to pronounce his words properly.

Tanya stops her movements instantly and places Alex on his feet. She turns to Timothy with a worried look while Alex runs and jumps onto the sofa beside me.

"No baby," she coos as she kneels to Timmy. "Mommy's not fighting with Alex, she was playing with him and asking him to be a good boy and apologize for taking your truck. Mommy wouldn't hurt her babies okay?"

Timothy gives her a small smile and nods. "Okay mommy."

She smiles to Timothy kissing his cheek and then turns to look at Alex. She stands, crossing her arms against her chest and looks at him sternly.

"Alex don't you have something to say to your little brother?" She asks.

He pouts and then flings himself off the sofa onto the floor. He stands with hands cross. "Oh man!"

Tanya looks at him her lips in a grim line and with a stink eye.

"I'm sorry Timmy," he says with a pout. "And I'm sorry mommy."

"Good, now hug it out boys. Forgive but never forget," she says. "It'll be fun to reminisce on later."

They hug it out with giggles and I smile.

"They're beautiful," I finally say after observing that little scene.

"Oh yeah, boys say hello to Auntie Chrissie and introduce yourselves."

"Hey auntie Chrissie," they say in union.

The twins Alex and Xander introduce themselves then little Timmy who is straining to pronounce his words properly goes after them.

DOMINANT✔ (DSD SERIES, BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now