Magnus lifted his finger to silence him, a wide grin on his lips. Alec could tell Magnus was okay but that didn't mean he didn't get worried for his health.

Isabelle and Jace had stopped their training to watch the couple. Isabelle rolling his eyes and Jace with a smirk on his lips.

The warlock brushed a strand of hair out of Alec's face. "Sh it's okay silly. If anything I'm quite proud of you. It was a good shot." He winked making the boy feel at ease.

Jace coughed and murmured something under this breath that Isabelle couldn't help but chuckle at.

"If you want to go you can." Isabelle shouted across the hall knowing that whether she said it or not they would have gone but Alec would have felt bad about leaving.

Jace made his way over to them and patted his parabatai on the back. A toothy grin on his face as he leant against his brother. "You getting laid tonight?"

Alec's hand smacked Jace in the chest. "Jace!" He exclaimed feeling embarrassed.

Magnus laughed and replied "Too right he is. Best get started." before pulling Alec out of Jace's arm and quickly out of the door.

Lips crashed against lips as they left the room. The smaller frame of Alec was pushed up against the brick wall and Magnus slipped his hands up his little shadowhunters top.

A small hum was made by Magnus followed by a whisper in Alec's ear. "Screw the outfit. You  can wear that another time."

He clicked his fingers and they were in Alec's bedroom in the institute.

Magnus laid on the bed with his hands behind his head. "Undress for me baby."

The pet name made Alec blush but he did as he was told.

He clambered naked on top of Magnus. He tugged at the hem of his Warlock's top. "And yours Maggie."

Alec gained a scowl from his lover. "Use the correct name baby.

Alec crossed his arms over his chest and pouted. His act of defiance turned Magnus on more than it should have.

"Now." There was a pause. "Or you won't get your way." To show what Magnus meant he took Alec's semi into his hand and pumped it a few times, running his thumb over the tip just the way he knew his baby liked it. A small moan left his lips.

Magnus took his hand back and hid it behind his head. "None of that for you unless you use your words baby."

A grumpy little Alec took a deep breathe and laid down on his warlock's tummy, his bright blue eyes looking up at him. "Please daddy."

Magnus shifted his hands to his baby's thighs.

"Say it again."

"Please daddy. Daddy please. Please take your top off, touch me. Touch me." His pleading sounded so pathetic, fuck. But he didn't care in this moment because he wanted his way.

He was rewarded with a shirtless Magnus and a hand rubbing circles on his thigh. One hand in Alec's hair pulled their lips together.

The kiss was rushed, heated. They both knew long foreplay wasn't an option this time. 

Magnus jumped straight in with his fingers, warming and stretching Alec in preparation of his member. A small moan muffled by their kiss put them both on edge. What if someone in here heard them?

A short sharp gasp broke that thought as Magnus delved deeper. "Baby.." He murmured to the squirming mess on top of him. "Where do you keep the lube?" 

A mewling Alec, slightly annoyed at the fact Magnus had removed his hand, reached over into the third drawer down of his bedside table to pull out condoms and lube. 

Magnus flipped them over so Alec had his back against the bed.

He then took the lube and rubbed it between his palms to warm it up before pumping his own hard dick a few times. He smeared a little at Alec's opening as he pressed his thumb inside.

The pool of a boy on the bed laid out in all his glory was a magnificent sight for the Warlock. "You're so fucking hot." He whispered under his breath and he worked a little faster before pulling his thumb out and teasing the entrance. 

It wasn't much longer before Alec was begging for it. "Please. Maggie. Maggie, please." He practically sighed the last please. 

"Ah." Magnus reminded him.

A long drawn out sigh. Hands gripping at Magnus' shoulders. "Daddy.  Daddy please." 

Without further hesitation Magnus pushed himself inside of his lover. It was a little faster than expected so he gave it a second or two for Alec to adjust to his size.

An eager nod from Alec and Magnus pulled out slowly before thrusting back in. Slowly out, quickly in. Until it became a little faster, a little more heated and they fell into a rhythm of thrusts and moans. 

Alec had his head in the crook of Magnus' neck, mewling with every thrust. Sometimes it was sweet nothings but most times it was too good to focus on trying to get words out. 

Eyes closed in what was their perfect heaven. 


ilysm! thank you for reading♥ 

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p.s i've started a new story called "my little mistress" featuring harry styles and this dom/sub idea so please give it a read and let me know how you think i can improve it!♥

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