Part 3

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Dinner that night passed with difficulty on Winry's part, though on the other hand, Mei and Alphonse had no problem keeping their promise of not saying anything, most likely in fear of Winry putting a little something extra in their serving of stew. As every moment passed, her anxiety grew. She felt like the longer waited, the harder it would be to say it.

Her hand migrated to her stomach as she stood in the kitchen waiting for the apple pie to be ready. How will he react? He thoughts were glum, she felt like a little sissy not being able to say something that should be so simple. I'm Winry Rockbell for Christ's sake! Oh wait, that's not right, she thumped her forehead, I'm Winry Elric! I should be able to say something as simple as this! With that thought, she crossed her arms stubbornly and made her decision.

Once the timer began ringing, she quickly took out the pie, and set it on the cooling rack, the smell was making her mouth salivate. She had liked apple pie before, but this was different, she felt like she could eat a horse's weight in pie right now.

"Guys! The pie's done, come get it!" She called out to Ed and her two guests who had retired to the living room.

Before they had reached the kitchen, Winry hastily cut herself a slice that almost took away half of the pie, making sure to get her fill before there was none left.

"Geez Winry," Ed laughed as he entered the kitchen, noticing the huge slice that Winry had on her plate, "is that a big enough piece?"

"Is it a problem?!" Winry snapped unintentionally, having already been angry with herself earlier.

"Umm, no." Ed spoke in a question like form, not sure what the right answer should be. He quickly cut himself a slice and left the kitchen, not wanting to be snapped at again or have a wrench thrown at his head.

Damnit! Why the hell am I acting like this? Winry sighed, leaned against the counter and ate her piece of pie in the kitchen, not wanting to be around anyone at the moment, not even noticing when Mei and Al came in to get their own piece. She was beginning to feel her mood change yet again, the decision she made earlier erasing from her memory.

"What do you think is wrong with Winry?" Mei asked Alphonse as they left Winry's hearing range, still kind of frightened by the look that was given to the two of them earlier.

"I'm not sure." Al had been wondering the same thing, "When do you think she's going to tell brother about "it"?"

Mei thought for a moment, "Hmm, well I'm not sure. I think it's best that we just let her do it on her own time." She glanced back towards the kitchen, "It looks like she's having a hard time with it though."

Al noticed the worried look on Mei's face and felt a strong need to comfort her, "Don't worry about it!" Al flashed a smile, "It's Winry after all, I'm sure that she'll find a way to do it."

"Yeah, you're right!" She grinned up to him and walked back to the living room, leaving a blushing Al standing in the hallway.

Back in the kitchen Winry began cleaning out the pie pan, leaving only small crumbs in the pies place, when suddenly a wave of fatigue washed over her, and she began having a hard time keeping her eyes open. She tried to clean up the rest of the mess she had made when baking, but it was no use, her eyes were giving out on her. Why the hell does pregnancy have to be so complicated? She yawned and walked into the living room, waving to gain everyone's attention.

"I'mma go sleep now." Her words were slurred, and her eyes were barely open, "Mei, Al, you can sleep here if you wanna. G'night." And with that, she slowly made her way up the stairs, feeling like a failure for not being able to tell Ed the wonderful news.

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