Part 21

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"Oh come on... come... on..." Winry spoke in a soft, breathy tone, annoyed with her current position. Despite the fact that she earlier declared nothing would stop her from touching her baby, it came to her attention that there was something that could stop her. Though it wasn't the pain that was doing it, or her lack of strength, no, it was something far smaller and yet more difficult to deal with.

Medical cords.

She had gotten as far as sitting up and scooting a few inches closer to the end of her bed when she felt a sharp pain in her wrist and inner arm, causing her to inspect the areas. A grimace formed on her face when she saw how many cords and needles were stuck into her arm. She followed the length of them with her eyes and saw all the different bags and monitors she was hooked up to, noticing there was a fair amount of blood being given to her.

That explains the lack of strength then... Winry shrugged off her apparent blood loss, and pushed it to the back of her mind. It wasn't important, at least not at the moment.

But now she was stuck. It occurred to her that she could just wake Ed up, but when she gave his sleeping face a longer look, the bags under his eyes immediately silenced her. She didn't even want to imagine the kind of stress he had been through.

Winry gave his face attention for a few more seconds before shaking her head, deciding on the only choice she had left herself with.

She noted what all the other bags were for as she began pulling all the needles out of her arm, an idiotic move on her part, she knew, but she'd worry about that later. In her mind, she worked the logic out as "it won't hurt to be disconnected from it for just a minute...". God knows she'd never let one of her own patients do this, but she didn't exactly care about practicing what she preached, not when all she wanted to touch her baby.

I'll get Edward to call a nurse in later...

After being careful not to pull them out too hastily, she was finally free of all the cords. The spots where they had stuck her tingled with an achy sensation as little drops of blood formed on the surface of her skin.

Hardly bothered to notice this, Winry began to feel a bit frantic as she inched off her bed. She wasn't going fast enough. She could be going a thousand miles per hour and it still wouldn't be fast enough. All that mattered was getting off that bed. It was the only thing she could think about.

Unfortunately for her, that meant she forgot what her current physical state was.

As soon as Winry slid off her bed, and her feet made contact with the floor, she was only able to stand on her own for a fraction of a second. Once she let go of the support the bed had given her, her knees buckled and she hit the ground with a soft thud, her face contorting in pain when she landed on her side.

"sh-shit..." Winry cursed as the air in her lungs emptied from the impact.

She kept still for a moment, hoping the noise hadn't woken Edward up and after thirty seconds she figured it was safe to move again. After collecting herself and steadying her breathing, she reached up and gripped the end of her bed, mentally noting not to let go of it this time.

Once she began pulling up, her foot caught on the front of her hospital gown and she fell once again, this time falling onto her back and hitting her head on the tile.

"Goddamnit!" she meant to yell this but due to her lack of voice it was toned down to a strained whisper.

All her hope of letting Ed sleep vanished as she saw his dark figure shoot up in his bed, his arms flailing about his face. Most likely getting his hair out of his face, she guessed out of experience. He moved around for a second longer when his body froze, noticing she was gone.

EdWin - Due Date (Complete)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant