Part 4

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Ed had a face splitting smile on his face when going into work the next morning, earning shocked stares from almost everyone there. The usual face he had on was one of reluctance, and it was an honest expression, he'd much rather be surrounded by the hills of Resembool, than the tall buildings and ongoing traffic of Central. But today was different, he had just found out that he was soon going to be a father, and it felt like there was nothing that could get in the way of him right now. It was like his usual feeling, but much, much stronger.

He made his rounds throughout the building, taking about three hours out of his six hour day, until he finally made a stop at the Colonel bastard's, now called Fuhrer bastard's, office.

"Ah, Fullmetal." Roy noted Ed's presence as he walked in, "Do you have those reports I need?" he looked up from his paper work and saw a smug faced Ed standing in front of him. "Alright, what's with the face?"

"Hehe." Ed crossed his arms and the look of supreme superiority crossed his face, "I, am going to be a father!"

Roy's facial expression didn't move one bit, "What the hell are you talking about Fullmetal?"

Ed sighed and put his fingers to his forehead, acting like he was talking to a five year old who didn't understand his math, "I said, I am going to be a father!"

A few silent seconds passed before Roy spoke again, "Who on earth would marry you, and have your children?"

"I'm already married, you bastard!!!!" Ed exploded at the Fuhrer bastard's statement, "You were even there!"

"Oh, that's right, that's right." He acted like he just recalled the event.

"Hmph, why am I even telling you this?" a comedic evil expression came onto his face, "I don't see you becoming a father. Oh wait; you're not even married are you?"

"What'd you say pipsqueak?!" This time it was Roy's turn to explode.

"I said," Ed began speaking again as he easily dodged the fire that was now bursting towards him, "Why don't you go over to Hawkeye, and tell her how you feel, you wimp!"

"The hell Fullmetal?! What's that gotta do with you?!" Roy was becoming increasingly frustrated with how easily his flames were being dodged at the moment.

"Nothin really," Ed tried to shrug as he was averting the flames, "I'm just suggesting that you do it soon."

Roy stopped snapping his fingers at this statement, "What do you mean?"

Yes, I've got him!; Ed thought evilly "I'm just saying, you never know when someone might snatch her up!" Ed went over to the couch and made himself comfortable, propping his legs up on the table and placing his hands behind his head, "At least I was man enough to tell Winry how I felt."

"M-man enough?"

"Yup, that's right! I swallowed my pride and threw myself out there!" Ed recalled how he conveyed his feelings at the train station that day.

"Threw yourself?"

"That's right!" Ed was feeling completely superior at the moment, overjoyed at the fact that he wasn't the one being messed with for once, "I didn't know what the answer in return would be, but I just had to say it or there was no way I could continue to call myself a man!"

Roy blocked out Ed's smug laughter as he began thinking. Throw myself out there? Can't call myself a man unless I do? Swallow my pride? "Shit! Why is this so complicated?" He accidentally said the last part aloud, extremely embarrassed that he did so.

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