Part 12

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Alphonse and May walked into the house with their grocery bags in hand. They'd just gotten back from the only grocers open in Resembool because of the freak snowstorm that had occurred two days ago. Everything else was still snowed in, so they had to walk pretty far just to get there and back.

"It's still way too cold out there!" May complained in her squeaky, yet cute voice as they entered the house.

"Yeah, it's never been this cold around this time of year." Alphonse replied as he held the door open for her.

They both shuffled their way into the kitchen, and began putting the food away when May stopped her movement.

"What is it?" Al asked.

She pivoted herself around and face Al, craning her neck upwards, "It's quiet."

Al stopped for a second and realized that she was right. No one had come to meet them yet. "Huh, that's odd." He carried on putting the food away, "Whenever I come here, the first thing I hear is either arguing or laughing."

"Really?" May asked in disbelief, "They aren't just quiet sometimes?"

Al laughed whole-heartedly, truly wondering if they were ever a time, "No. Never. At least not that I've seen. I'm going to see where they are, so do you mind finishing up here?"

Mai smiled , and Xio-mei saluted to Alphonse, "Sure thing!"

"Thanks." He returned the smile, and made his way through the house, searching all the rooms until he finally came upon their bedroom.

Slowly, he poked his head in and smiled slightly at the sight. Both Ed and Winry were asleep on their bed. Ed had his back against the headboard, his hand on his stomach, and was snoring slightly with his wide-open mouth. Winry on the other hand, looked completely blissful. She was on her side with one hand place on her belly, and the other one had a tight grasp on Ed's free hand.

This would've been a picture perfect moment if what happened next didn't occur.

Suddenly, Al heard Winry begin mumbling to herself, "I....I'mnahrellyembarassed. Ms.....MsGrashia! M... May! N-no! Shtopit!"

And with that, the hand that was peacefully placed upon her belly flew up in a fast movement and connected with Ed's jaw almost as if it were attracted by gravity.

"WH-WHAT?!" Ed immediately rolled off of the bed and stood straight up with his head swiveling around.

"Ahh, shuddup Ed..." Winry mumbled into the room, having been woken by Ed's shout.

"What the hell was that Winry?!" Ed yelled to the now completely aware Winry.

"What are you talking about Edward?" She sat up and scratched her head, the look of annoyance quickly spreading throughout her features.

"You PUNCHED me!"

Her head jerked towards him now, "I did not!"

"Then why is my jaw hurting like this?!"

"I don't know! Maybe you hit yourself!"

"Why the hell would I hit myself?!"

"Maybe because you had a nightmare about being short again!"

Ed's face turned scarlet at the words she spoke, "I said to never talk about that!"

"Well it's your fault for waking me up with yelling!"

"I only yelled because you punched me!"

"I did not!"

Back over at the entrance to their room, Alphonse sighed. If I don't intervene now they'll be like this for the rest of the day...

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