Part 22

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Edward awoke once more that morning, granted it was late morning, to a much more pleasant and familiar sound. His eyes opened to form slits, and he quietly peered upwards to where his wife and child were.

Winry had the boy in his arms, laughing away and grinning from ear to ear for no reason other than being very, very happy. It almost seemed ludicrous that twenty-four hours ago he felt like he was going to lose his sanity. As much as he wanted to join them in that second, he stayed still, wanting their moment to go on just a bit longer. That is, until a demanding, or what seemed like demanding to Ed, knock echoed from the door and into the room.

He gave a loud grunt, threw his sheets off his body and got up in one fluid movement, surprising Winry.

"Well good morning to you to. How long were you were awake?" she asked him in a mock accusatory tone.

He glanced over her way as she spoke and stopped before making it to the door. Deciding the person on the other side could wait a little longer, he strode over to his family of two, and gave his wife a sloppy kiss, giving his son a much gentler one afterward.

"Ew!" Winry wiped the sides of her mouth, despite the apparent blush on her face, "Edward you knew that was gross!"

"Don't care, worth it." he grinned as he walked back toward the door, only to have the expression wiped off his face at the sight of one of their new visitors.

"Hey there, Fullmetal." Roy greeted the alchemist with a friendly wave just as Riza appeared behind him.

He froze in his place for a split second, then quickly nudged Roy to the side and beckoned for Riza to come in, shutting the door swiftly afterwards and leaving the Fuhrer out in the hallway.

Roy stood stiff as a plank in his spot with his eyebrows twitching, and listened to the muffled conversation going on inside, "So Edward, Winry, how is everything going? Oh! This is the little guy?"

A few more seconds passed, "DAMN IT FULLMETAL." he exclaimed as he threw the door open and marched to take his place next the sharp shooter.

"Wow... that took you longer than expected." Ed deadpanned.

"Shut the hell up and let me see your kid already." He fumed and turned his attention to the small child sleeping in the mechanics arms, melting in an instant. And as much as he wanted to turn all squishy and let out an "awweee" he maintained his image.

Seeing this, Riza gave the man a curious glance, raising her eyebrow, "Sir, you don't have to hold back. He is adorable after all."

"Heehehehehe" Ed's face gave way to a shit-eating grin, "What's this~~? The rough and tough Fuhrer's got a soft side??"

His finger came to rest underneath his nose as Roy clenched his fists and started to shake from either the cuteness of the child or embarrassment, "It's understandable, I mean he is mine and Winry's kid. It's only natural he'd make someone turn all gooey-"

"Edward..." Winry's tone stopped him in his tracks, "They came here especially to see how we were doing. Be. Nice."

"Yeah, yeah..." he stopped his teasing and went back around to his cot, taking a seat on it.

Despite his antics, and deflated tone his mood actually hadn't been soured in the least. It astounded him how his wife could seem as though the past few days didn't happen. In the way she spoke, grinned, and laughed it was like a bad dream. She was vibrant as ever, scolding as ever, and in addition, happy as ever.

His eyes traveled to Winry's face as she and their two visitors were talking, and just took her in. If he had to guess, it was thanks to the little guy in her arms that she was doing so much better.

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