Part 19

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Roy yawned and leaned back into his chair, raising his arms over his head as he attempted to work out the soreness that had formed in his back. He'd been stuck in his office all day with nothing paperwork and dull walls to keep him company, which wasn't such a bad thing considering that affairs had been pretty peaceful both inside and outside Central's walls, but in his personal tastes, things were maybe a little too peaceful.

In all honesty, he missed having to deal with the antics of his old team all the time. Sharing an office with them had been a pain in the ass back then, but now having this great big room with just him in it seemed off to him. In no way was he complaining, this had been his goal after all, but it didn't hurt to reminisce once in a while right? Of course he still saw them all the time, during duty hours, and after though he was basically on duty all day every day, but that was beside the point. Sometimes they would all meet up for drinks and whatnot so he wasn't completely isolated. It was just the moments when he would set his pen down and notice that no one else was in the room that bothered him.

He sighed and turned around to look out of the window behind him. The sun was already beginning to set and the sight caused him to stifle yet another yawn threatening to come out of his mouth.

"Damn I could go for some coffee." He mumbled to himself and ran a hand down his face when he suddenly heard the clicking of his door opening.

"Sir, I'm here for the batch of paper work I left for you yesterday." Riza let herself into the room and saluted, always the professional she was, and gave Roy an expecting look as she walked over to his desk.

"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes." He began with his usual banter, and picked up the stack of paper she'd been referring to. It was true though, his words. She definitely was a sight to be seen. Looking at her while handing her what she was waiting for, he took her appearance in.

Her hair could be seen down more often, the locks of blond resting at about her shoulders where they met the blue of her uniform's jacket. Her cheeks were colored a light pink, whether it was makeup or just her natural skin color he had no idea, and honestly didn't care because it looked good on her either way. Her eyes, brown. The same brown they'd been when he first met her, but with an intensity that could burn a hole in his mind.

And finally his eyes came to rest on the he'd placed on her hand a month ago when she'd agreed to marry him. It'd been a hell of a night, filled with overreacting nerves and sweaty palms but he'd finally managed to get it out. And though he'd hate to admit it, it was thanks to Fullmetal that he even thought about saying it in the first place. That day the shrimp had swung his office doors open with an ear to ear grin, boasting about how he was going to be a father was the day he'd actually asked Riza to dinner. And damn was he grateful.

Riza took the papers from the man, and gave a slight nod, "How is all the other work coming along?"

"It's going." Roy came back from his thoughts and brought his intertwined hands to rest under his chin, "Slow and tedious, but going."

She shook her head and walked over to the small side table against the wall, "You'd do your best not to complain." She spoke and began preparing coffee for the man at the desk with dark bags under his eyes. "You'd also do your best to get more sleep. Running on fumes isn't any benefit to anyone."

"Yeah, yeah." Spoke with an intended exasperated tone, but not even that was worth the effort at the moment. All he had wanted to do was shut his eyes, but now that he'd gotten to thinking about Fullmetal his mind couldn't help but wonder if they were doing alright.

"Hey," he raised head and looked over at Riza, "has there been any word from Alphonse or Edward?"

Around six days ago he'd gotten a call from a worried Alphonse explaining why he hadn't been on the train to Central like they had agreed on. The man explained that Winry had gone into an early labor and that he was going to stay with his brother for the time being. Roy of course understood and didn't question Alphonse once, until he and May had shown up in his office a day and a half later.

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