Part 5

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Ed ran with all his might, his leg was basically torturing him. This was the worst it had ever hurt him. Usually he stayed indoors while it was raining, refraining from moving around too much in order to avoid such pain, but there he was running throughout Resembool's field and into the forest, pretending there was no pain at all.

"" He was running out of breath quickly, he had run almost a miles distance in about three minutes time.

Running throughout his childhood forest, he noticed the sun had sunk over the horizon completely, leaving him running through the dark aimlessly. There was nothing that was going to stop him, not even the fact that he was practically blind at the moment, the only thing he could think about was Winry and the baby.

Why did she stay out so late? She didn't see the storm clouds coming? Ed was becoming increasingly worried over the fact that Winry hadn't noticed that there was a storm coming, Did something happen to her? Ed was thinking desperately as he ran through the forest, only the lightning lighting up his path. Thankfully, he had a good memory, so when the lightning went away, he had memorized what was in his path.

It had taken him seven long minutes to finally get to the clearing where the lake was. A flash of lightning illuminated the clearing, and much to his dismay, Winry wasn't there.

"Winry?!?!" He yelled above the roar of thunder clapping all above him.

He swiveled his head back and forth, his hair whipping his face wildly and without rhythm. His shirt was pressing against his torso, and began to stick to him when the rain started. It was a relentless rain, pouring down as if the land hadn't been watered in centuries, and completely ignorant of the fact that Ed was trying to find his pregnant wife.

"Damn it!!!!' He yelled again when another flash of lightning came, lighting up the clearing once again.

When he was able to see again thanks to the flashing light, he saw a bag being swept up and hooked onto a branch. He ran over to it, quickly hopped up the tree to the right branch and saw what he didn't want to see. It was Winry's bag.

Then where the hell is she?! What happened to her?! Suddenly a tree across the clearing was uprooted, and it fell into the lake, bringing Ed close to despair. What if she had gotten caught up by one of the tre- he had to stop his thought process there. It wasn't possible, not in his mind. Winry couldn't die like that. She wouldn't. I just have to keep looking.

He hopped down from the tree, and immediately he knew it was something he shouldn't have done. He landed on both of his legs, and sent an excruciating pain up his half metal one. He crouched over in agony, and couldn't help but throw up. He clenched the flesh part of his leg, and rubbed it, trying to sooth it somehow, but it just wasn't possible. The pain continued without rest, so he gave up on trying to sooth it and just continued on with his what felt like a futile search.


And finally he heard a reply.


Winry opened her eyes just a fraction, having woken up due to a loud noise, feeling cold and wet. What? Where am I? She snapped her eyes open when she had remembered that she had fallen asleep at the lake. She sat up and looked around her, realizing that she was still there. Her hair whipped around her face, some of it sticking there and some if it flying wildly.

Another loud noise happened upon the sky and she looked up, mortified to see a black sky with lightning running through it. There was supposed to be a storm today?! She quickly got up, leaving all her belongings behind and began running, desperate to protect her baby. Though she knew that in order to do that, she had to keep herself safe first.

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