We have spent two hours making a complete new verison for this song.

Instead of using autotune and alot of pads for this song,we were going to make it acoustic for starters.

We were gonna have bass,drums,
piano,and my gutiar.

I really wanted this to come out good.

For Shayne.

I look at my watch and realize my appointment is in thirty minutes.

"Guy's,can we do this tomorrow,I have somewhere to be in thirty minutes." I say.

"Okay. Tomorrow what time?" Daniel ask.

"Maybe,six or seven in the afternoon?" I ask.

"Sure. We'll see you tomorrow then Courtney. Have a nice afternoon." Gabe waves as I walk out the

I wave back and get into my car.

I start my car and drive to the clinic.

I wonder what I'm gonna have this time.

Maybe twins again.

Or just one kid this time.

I'd like to have twins again though.

It was nice.

But sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have three kids at once if six years ago my thrid baby didn't die.

I would kill just to have that chance again to be pregnant with triplets again.

Nobody's knows but,whenever I had some alone time,I would go to the grave where I had a stone installed for my dead bady.

I wanted it to be named Sam.

Cause I didn't now if it was a girl or boy.

I just like watching the stone.

Wondering how he or she would look like.

Would it be a mix of Shayne and I?

Or like one of our family members?

I don't know.

I feel tears on my eyes.

I smile.

I wipe them off.

Well,at least I know my baby is in a better place being taken care by angles.

I know he or she is looking down at me and smiling the same way I am.

I finally arrivad at the clinic where Shayne was waiting for me.

I park the car and start walking toward the clinic where Shayne is waiting for me outside.

"Hey pumpkin!" I greet walking towards Shayne.

He lifts his head up smiling.

"Hey honey! I already signed you in.
Let's go wait inside." Shayne suggest and takes my hand.

We both head inside and take a seat.

"So what did you do at TJ and Gabe's flat?" Shayne ask me.

I lean my head in his shoulder.

"Getting my suprise ready for our wedding day." I smirk.

Shayne smiles.

"I can't wait. I know your gonna sing a song though." Shayne smirks.

"Why wouldn't you. I'm doing it with my white musicians!" I joke.

Shayne laughs.

"Ms.Miller?" A nurse calls my name.

Shayne and I get up and walk towards the nurse.

The nurse smiles at us.

"Ready to come in?" She ask.

"Yes we are!" Shayne laughs.

The nurse guides us to a room.

"Take a seat on the table for me." The nurse orders me.

I take a sit on the small table you'll find in clinic's.

I lay down and relax.

"Okay,we'll be doing an ultrasound today. Just to check the babies growth,and their heart beat." The nurse informs us.

"I like hearing a babies heart! It's like I know our son or daughter is hearing us!" Shayne smiles.

The nurse and I give him a werid look.

"Sure." The nurse and I say at the same time.

I left up my shirt and let the the nurse put gel on my still flat stomach.

"Okay. Ready?" The nurse ask.

Shayne and I nod our heads like little kids.

The nurse smiles and puts the montior on my womb.

Out of nowhere three heart beats sound at the same time.

Shayne and I look at each other surprised.

"I-is that t-three heart beats I'm l-listening to?" I stutter excited.

I could feel the tears running down my eyes.

Shayne too.

The nurse laughs.

"Yes you are. Sounds like you guy's are having triplets!"

"No way!" Shayne cries.

"Yes way!" I laugh at him.

We all laugh.

But Shayne's face turns into a frown.

"But last time you had triplets,one of them died. So what are our chances of still having triplets." Shayne frowns.

At that time I don't know what I was thinking.

I slapped Shayne in the face.

"I don't ever want to here you say that! The triplets will live!" I yell.

"Sorry! I'm just scared!" Shayne says.

"Well,don't be cause just by looking at how their all growing,they all have a high chance of living." The nurse says.

She points at them in the screen.

It was like three little seed in my womb.

"Soon,instead of two,we'll be having three more troublemakers again next to us!" I laugh.

The nurse ask me a few questions afterwards.

All my answers were back positive.

Finally we were free to go.

My babies should he here by May.

Shayne and I decide that again I wanted to keep the genders a surprise for me.

Shayne would know but not me.

He promised that this time he wouldn't not try to hint me what the gender's were.

"No one has noticed." I tell Shayne.

"Don't worry babe. They soon will. With three babies in there,you'll be showing soon." Shayne jokes.

I punch his arm.

"We should go pick up Dylan and Skylar now and at least tell my Dad." I tell Shayne.

"If that's what you'd like." Shayne smiles opening the passenger door for me.

I smile.

"How deep is your love?" I ask him.

This time instead of frowning and telling me he'll prove how much he loves me,for the first time in six years he says,

"Real deep."

How Deep Is Your Love -Shourtney Fanfiction [UNDER MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now