Chapter 28

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Thomas heard her. Among the soft snores of the others that were on the bed, he heard the faintest creak of the floor. He had lay on the floor waiting for it. He knew she was stealthily leaving. The light from the door slowly and steadily opening was the proof and he mimicked her covert movements by silently sitting up.

The door was shut by now so he was at least twenty yards behind her by the time she reached the minivan and opened the front door.

"Please don't leave us," he quietly pleaded.

Her body stiffened as she stood outside of the driver side. Her back was to him.

"I'm not who you all think I am, Thomas. I'm not your hero."

He stared for a moment. Trying to think of what to say next. The seconds slipped by as they stood that way for a minute. Her facing the car and him reaching out to from twenty feet away. He didn't even remember raising his hand.

She ended the moment by climbing to the van and driving away.

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