Chapter 17

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Alexis Aranda slammed his fist on the black desk in his office. His rage went beyond anything he had ever felt before. He was completely mad and he stood up walked around his desk and out to the hall.

People who came across his path did their best to avoid him since his eyes were fiery and his fast pace was almost a run.

He was going to have to take care of this himself, he decided. Subject 1673 was his doing, back when he was working in the recruiting department, back before he had climbed so high. Now she was threatening to ruin everything he had built for himself. He would have to report to his director that five mercenaries had been killed along with his top man, Anders.

He couldn't believe Anders was dead. He had strategically sent him in based on the previous relationship Anders and Emma had shared. This woman was completely cold-blooded, they way the organization had made her.

And, yet, he couldn't figure out why she would be helping a group that could do nothing for her. A group that was basically a gnat that the organization was finally done putting up with. An insignificant bother that was now about to be obliterated.

What was she thinking? And for that matter, why had she left in the first place? Was there something that she knew that he needed to find out?

Paranoia suddenly gripped Alexis and he slowed his pace. He rationalized that Emma must've gone insane somehow to be associating with a group like that. She was a complete sociopath; a perfect beast. There was no other explanation for her behavior.

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