Chapter 8

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Just outside of Kistler, Pennsylvania, in an office built out of the mountain, sat Alexis Aranda. The windows to his office displayed a panoramic view of the Appalachian Mountains. He sat brooding at his desk. The phone call he had just received was causing his blood to boil.

She had eluded them again, and, this time, with a mysterious little person.

He slammed his hand down on the desk and growled.

His door opened as a tall, dark, balding man came through, "Is everything okay, sir?" he asked.

Alexis turned and stared at the man in a way that could freeze you in your tracks. "We need to find subject 1673 again. The buffoons we sent in this time have all been killed."

The thin man nodded, "Yes, sir. Would you like me to gather the other board members together for a meeting about this?"

Alexis continued to glare, "No, Anders, I want you to take care of this yourself."

Anders nodded again, "I will get the girl," he said and promptly walked out of the room.

Alexis knew that Anders would be one of the only people that could locate subject 1673, who called herself Emma. He should have sent him in the first time, but he thought that four of his well-trained assassins would've been able to handle the situation.

What the hell is she up to? he thought. There had been no indication that she was leaving the firm and she had to be eliminated. Hopefully they would be able to get some information out of her first, but that was only a secondary priority.

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