Chapter 16

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Emma had slept the entire drive so far and Thomas almost wanted to reach across the isle to wake her up so that she could witness the amazing landscape that was all around them. He always loved the preserved land that lead to North Dakota. All of the people in The Alliance seemed to love it, which would explain why they always drove through it on their way to the Victoria Compound.

They were driving next to West Thumb Lake on the right side and dense forest on the left, but had yet to see much wildlife at this point. Since it was September, the trees were all changing colors and the sights were the stuff of paintings and photographs.

The road they were on was deserted, which was about as strange as not seeing wildlife in the middle of September, so when Thomas heard the beat of helicopter propellers he found it very curious and looked out the window for the source of the sound.

He wasn't the only one who was interested in the helicopter sounds as other passengers leaned across the isle to look out their neighbor's windows at the three helicopters that appeared to be heading right for them.

This time Thomas did decided to shake Emma awake. "Emma. Wake up," he said.

When she jerked a little and opened her eyes, he said, "There's something weird going on."

Emma figured out exactly what Thomas meant right away because the sounds of the propellers was so loud that it was hard to avoid. She moved over to Thomas's seat and looked out his window.

Her eyes widened when she saw the helicopters closing in and turning toward the road in front of them. "It's the organization!" she yelled.

The panic that ensued was something that she had not intended. The bus driver swerved a little as he slammed on the breaks and people flew up against the seats in front of them. The helicopters ahead must've taken note of the sudden slowing of the bus and started to descend onto the road ahead.

People in the bus started yelling and standing to get to the door as the bus came to a complete stop. When it did there were already a few people at the door crowding it too much for it to open.

"Everyone needs to clam down!" shouted Miles, but only a few people turned to look at him.

"Please, everyone," he yelled again. "We need to not panic in this situation, we have to be focused and present in order to take the correct action! Just head north if you can."

More people turned towards Miles and started listening. "I agree that we need to get off the bus and go towards the forest. We will know what to do as long as we do our best to be as conscious as possible. Focus on what you want to occur and protecting the people around you."

Everyone exited the bus as the helicopters landed. The wind from the propellers was strong enough for everyone to do battle with as they headed for the forest.

The men and women who were in the helicopters were exiting quickly and running for the bus with large guns in their hands. The group from The Alliance scattered into the forest and Emma broke off to the west.

She reached up under her shirt and pulled out her 9mm. She had one extra clip and around 8 bullets already in the gun. This could be the end of her relationship with The Alliance. She decided that the only focus she was going to have was on getting herself out of this forest and into safety. There was a little concern about what might happen to the rest of the group, but she took Miles words to represent that every man was in it for his or her self.

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