Chapter Sixteen: Fate

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"And the victory is ours! Good job my loyal subject." Gwen said to me as she patted my head. I roll my eyes with a smile, enjoying her presence as well as the newly finished project. A mixture of a 2-D and 3-D our version of a Greek god, specifically Aphrodite, Goddess of love. "Now aren't you thankful that I chose us a Greek god instead of some other type like Norse or so?" Gwen said with a grin. "Whatever, we could have chose someone from my heritage, but ya know, Greek gods are decent enough." I claim with a grin back. I pick up the project with both hands and steady it to where it wouldn't fall, "Here, let me put it in my car so we don't damage it. With two clumsy people, it's bound to be broken in less than twenty-four hours." As I begin to walk to the car however, I see a flash of light and a deep crackle of thunder. 

I jump and almost drop the project, though luckily Gwen grabbed the project before any damage could be done. "Holy crap Hib, you need to be careful. We almost got an F good sir!" She says before seeing me with slight fear in my eyes and me being on high alert. "Hibiki? You okay?" I jump again and quickly sit on her couch nearby in the living room where we were creating our project. "I-um, yeah I'm fine. But I don't think it'll be safe for me to put it in the car now." I say with the strength I could muster. I look at my phone and see it read 9:59 PM. "I should probably going before it starts to storm. After all, my mom would kill me if I came home too late." I get up again and take a deep breath to steady myself. I look outside and to my demise, see it pouring down a lot harder than I anticipated. Gwen sets the project down nearby and walks to my side, "Maybe you should call your mom? It'd be bad to be trying to drive in that weather. C'mon, I'll ask my parents if you can stay over, you haven't even eaten dinner after all." She says in a joyful tone, while I just simply nodded. I was too scared at the moment to argue as another lightning bolt flashes in the sky with a thunderous boom following suit. It was only after she left did I realize what I agreed to, and began to blush because of such.

'Oh crap, what did I just accept to? Oh crap, what if I have another dream about her again?!' I sit down on the couch and move my right leg repeatedly, trying to figure out what to do in this situation. 'I know I can't leave, even if I tried. She would probably lock the door and keep me in for my own safety, especially her parents.' "Why would you want to leave? This is your perfect opportunity to confess to her." I hear a voice whisper in my ear. I jump out of fear and look around, trying to pin point that voice. "Calm down, concentrate on your thoughts. You can't see me no matter how hard you try." the voice said again. I couldn't really explain it, but for some reason it felt feminine to me. I take another deep breath before going back to my original position, 'So, I'm guessing you haven't been just a dream huh? You're the specter or being I keep seeing in my nightmares.' "Correct. I mean, what else would it be? Or are you just prone to talking to whatever responds to you?" I exhale in both frustration and annoyance, I know I didn't know much about this being or whatever but I already got the subtle hints that it could be quiet aggravating. I hear footsteps approaching and do my best to look normal, pulling my phone out and surfing through whatever social media I clicked on first. 'Listen, whatever it is you want to tell me please tell me now before Gwen or someone comes back, the last thing I need is someone talking to me mentally while I'm trying to concentrate.' "Oh, this won't be the last time you hear from me, rest assured. You'll hear from me fairly soon, in your dream. For now, Hibiki, enjoy your dinner." I was about to question what it meant, before hearing Mrs. Rolev's voice, "Hibiki, dinner is ready. Come join us at the table, we're waiting for you!" I quickly pocket my phone and shuffle to the dinner table, 'Well, let's see how this goes down.'

One Heartbeat to Another.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن