Chapter Six: Destination Reached

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[A/N: I'm trying slightly different this time, so once you get to the bottom half just stop the video above and start the music (please let this be legal, I don't own the song but oh my gosh am I a fanboy for them, and in honor for their new song release, Rain, I want to give them a shout out.) Enjoy.]

A moment passes by, then another, before she said anything. "I don't know if I should be happy right now, or I should hurt you." Gwen says sternly. "I think I prefer the former, please." I say nervously. "Hmm, no, you deserve to be hurt." She puts the paper as close as she could to the side of my head without covering my vision. You know, just so we didn't crash. "You are rank two in our class, two! Right under that cheater Annabelle! Why didn't you tell me, of all people?" I shiver a bit. Gwen could be quite scary when she was angry, even for me. "Um, mostly because I didn't want you to act like this." I mumble, but still clear enough for her to hear. "Well that worked out for ya, didn't it nerd?" She says and rolls her eyes. "Honestly, I thought you trusted me more." she says in a told-you-so type of voice. 'There it is, her guilt tripping.' I say to myself. Unfortunately I fall for it every time, whether I like it or not. "Hey, it's not like that and you know it. I do trust you, it's just that I didn't want you to feel like-" I begin to say, only to come to a stop. 'Why didn't I want to tell her?' "For me to feel like what, Hibiki?" she says as she closes in on me  with a raised eyebrow. "I didn't. . . want you to feel like you had to push yourself to do better or something? You're an amazing student as it is, as well as an amazing friend. The last thing I want you to do is push yourself over your limit." I say. God please let that answer satisfy her. "Hm. . ." she says, then goes back into her seat then mumbles at me. "Okay, I'll let this one slip. But I swear, if something like this happens again I'm making sure you won't hear the end of it." I grin a little, knowing that she meant it, something in me told me she was grinning too.

After that, the ride as relativity quiet. A little talk there, a little witty comment there. "Ughhhhh, how much longer? It feel like we've been in this car for our an hourrrr." Gwen says before dramatically posing. I roll my eyes, "We've only been here for twenty minutes, we got like five minutes or so left, calm down drama queen." We pause at a red light and I relax for a moment. I look over at her and noticed she was eyeing the radio. "You know, if the silence is awkward you can just turn on the ra-" I say, before she read my mind and turned it on a bit. That was her fatal flaw.

"Oh no. . ." She says as she hears me gasp loudly. I grin and jump up and down on my seat a bit as the song starts. "Oh yes! Oh my gosh it's been days since I last heard them on the radio! Thank you so, so much Gwen for turning on the radio!" I say before singing along obnoxiously. I step on the gas a bit harder from then on, just slightly above the speed limit, not too much to be noticeable, though. "Someone please end my suffering." she groans before face palming. She dug her own grave, and this was her payment for that. I move from side to side as much as I could. If there was one thing I was passionate about, it was this band and their songs, and Gwen knew it all too well. "Just like home! Let's color these streets like our ow-" I begin to sing, before hearing the song change as well as the station. "Wha- Hey, I was singing to that Gwen!" I say to her with a frown. "Exactly why I had to change it, it was getting out of hand my good sir." She sticks her tongue out at me before pressing the different stations I had saved.

 "Ooh, here we go. This is real music here, Hibiki. I haven't heard them play on the radio for weeks!" She says before she begins singing. ". . . This is my punishment, isn't it? For me being ranked two in our class?" I say to her. "Maybe, maybe not. Besides, we're here, thank you very much." She says with a grin. I slow down and place the car in park out of reflex then walk out of my side of the car, walking her to her door. "You know you don't have to do this, we're right in front of my door." she says as she rolls her eyes. "Yeah, but it's better safe than sorry." I say to her with a smile. "Whatever makes you sleep at night, good sir. See you later." She says with a smile then proceeds to lock the door. I stay there for a moment or two with a smile before turning back to my car and getting in. 'Time to go home. . .' I say to myself before being filled with despair as I checked the time, '5:30 PM' it read. I grit my teeth in fear, knowing what I was hoping was not reality, "I'm late." Unfortunately, luck was no longer by my side.

One Heartbeat to Another.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang