Chapter Four: Decisions

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[A/N: Sorry I didn't update this yesterday, I didn't have any time yesterday (check on Instagram @jla619 (Self promotion is funz.)) I'll be sure to do two chapters today to make up for it! Any who, enjoy.]

"Huh, that is a pretty weird dream, even for someone like you." Gwen said to me as I place stuff into my locker as well as my bag. "You're one to talk, fan girl." I say to her with a small grin. "Always talking about your canon ships, when we both know that canon doesn't matter, the fan ships do." She gave me a light shove and a small laugh. "Whatever, you're just jealous that I have proof of why the canon ship is better than your weird ship." I began laughing with her, or at least trying to mimic one. "We'll see who's jealous when you need a ride home again." I say to her as we walk out of school. 

"... You know, you can be a real pain sometimes, Hibiki. I don't know how I put up with you." she says as she rolls her eyes. "It's probably because of my fffffabulousness." I say to her, followed by me stopping and posing dramatically with the best duck face I could muster. "Oh my gosh, stop it! We're still on school grounds, are you trying to gain attention on us?!" She says in an mildly panic yet light tone. I give her a wink before finally stopping and grinning. "Hey, it's not my fault if people can't stop staring." I say before continuing our walk. "Again, I don't know how I put up with you sometimes. Hey, speaking of which are you busy? I might need to vouch for another ride." she says along the way with a innocent smile. I raise my eyebrow. "Andddd what do I get from bringing you home this time, Miss Rolev?" I say to her. "Youuuu get the opportunity of making sure I get home safe?" She says to me and gives me her signature smile. "What do you say, Mr. Daryrth?" I placed my right hand on my chin. "Hmm... sure, only if you say something for me."  She gives me a puzzled look. "Um.. As long as it isn't anything pervy like usual." I roll my eyes at her. "All you have to say, miss Gwen Rolev, is simply, 'Hibiki's ships are better than canon.'" I see her face drop for a moment or two, to where I was about to speak up out of worry. "No, I refuse. Nope, nada, no bueno. Game over, ain't gonna happen there buddy!" She says as she walks towards my car. "Hell will freeze over before I will admit defeat to you, you cheater." I laugh and continue trying to persuade her the best I can, all the while thinking of what I just decided to do. 

She didn't realize it, but today was meant for me to be at track practice. It was either bring her home, or be obedient and prepare for Saturday's meeting. 'Decisions, decisions... I know I should tell her, that I should say I can't, but something's telling me to help her, at least today I mean, missing one day of practice won't get me in that much of trouble, right? Coach would understand since I'm one of his favorite athletes.' "C'mon, it's not like I'm making you say something like, 'You are my senpai.' I'm being merciful here!" "Yeah, that's because I can never be as weeb as you, I refuse to be." she retorts as she walks to the other side of my car. "Uh, it's pronounced otaku." I say in a nerdy voice whilst fixing my glasses. "Will you just hurry up and open the door please?" She says with a smile. And with that, I roll my eyes and we head off to her house. 'I'll deal with my consciousness later.'

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