Chapter Eight: Pitfall

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'Here we go again.' I say to myself. I was inside that dream again, like clockwork. I drift through the darkness, the only noises being the white noise my mind made, and my heart beat. At least I knew I was still alive, or at least in my dream I was. I look at the back of my hands but with a strange effect that made it seem as though my actions act were in slow motion. Every blink, every turning of my hands, and even when I try to look around. I try to speak in the hopes of finding the strange being from yesterday, to no avail. The darkness swallowed my words before I could even speak them. After a moment of closing my eyes and trying to decide on what to do, I felt an aura behind me. It felt like someone was behind me, which of course was the reality of the situation. As I slowly turn, I see her again- it was that being from yesterday. 'Alright, now I understand that this wasn't a fluke. Whatever's happening can't be real though, right? This is all just a dream, it just so happens that my subconsciousness added someone or something. Maybe so I wouldn't feel lonely?' I was pulled from my thoughts when the being held my hands, with a sudden sensation of me being free. I was now able to move normally, even speak. "What- who are you?" I say, though my voice sounded quieter than I anticipated. 

"Your eyes are not like most your age, Hibiki. You've seen events that most would run and hide from." It said, apparently ignoring my question. "And yet, you have grown a heart of steel from it. Though, the same cannot be said about your physical form." I twitch a bit from that comment. I pull my hands away and hover in front of them. "Okay, no more games. No more mystery, just who are you to me? Are you even real, or are you just something my mind made up to cope with all the crap I've gone through?" I say with confidence. After all, this was a dream. . . right? The being simply sighs and comes closer to me, making me tense up. Right before I am able to do anything, however, they hold my shoulder with their left hand and gently touches my heart with their right. "Someone whom you will soon discover, perhaps I'm already here but you have yet to notice." They let go hold onto their hoodie. "For your comfort, I will show you what I'm talking about." However, before they pull away their hood I'm sent tumbling into the ground once more like always, yelling to make myself wake up from this nightmare. It's only then the worst begins to reveal itself.

'No. . .' I say as I'm surrounded by images and past memories. Voices and whispers past by in a flash, but stay long enough for me to remember them. "Hey look, it's that transfer student, I wonder if he can understand us?" "Hey, think you can do my homework again, since you're so smart?" "This is such a waste, how are you going to take care of yourself if you can't even get all A's? You don't even play an instrument, and I'm being generous with that!" Miles and miles of memories, all of which was filled with the same word, pain. I come to an abrupt stop on one in particular. It takes a moment, then suddently I recognize it clear as day. "No, no get me out of here. I don't want to see this again, get me out of my mind!" I scream, trying everything to wake up, but it was no use. It was going to play, and I had a front row seat to the experience all over again. "Hey, we need to talk." A female with a sweet voice said, a voice I knew all too well and wanted to forget. 

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