Chapter Twelve: Breaking Character

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[Character Development, woo.. Probably a sucky one cause it doesn't seem logical but oh well. No Media this time, I think the scene is capable enough for imagination to work]

"Hey, great job out there Keith, you too Lance!" "Man, Coach is really pushing on us. He really wants us to take home Gold this year." "Hey, where's my spikes?! Has anyone seen my spike and spike keys?" Voices of all different kind pass by me, but they leave as quick as they come. I focus on slowing down my breath, 'One. . . Two. . . Three. . .' I roll my shoulders and stretch as much as I could as sweat falls off of my face and onto the track. The conversations passed like normal, from guys being worried about the upcoming track meet to guys talking about hitting on girls and their penis size. 'Someday I'll burn this place down, and these teenagers with it.' I smile at myself and take a drink from my water bottle. It was nice to take my mind off of things that normally concerned me, aside the fact that Perseus was here. Other than that it was nice, it arguably felt like family. "Yeah, I'd totally get a date with Gwen AND get that on the first date." a voice I hated said. There I go again, an eye twitch. I turn my head and looks at Perseus and his small group talk and laugh at what he just said. 'Take it easy, he's just being a douche bag. He's not actually going to do anything to her, and even if he did she'd deny him.' I mentally say to myself to try and calm down my anger. 'Keep your emotions in check!' "Psh, c'mon man be real! Sure, she has brains but that's about it." Perseus laughs obnoxiously to that, all the while having a stupid grin on his face that I would love to wipe away. "Yeah, you're right. I bet she's a total loser anyways." I don't know what came over me, but everything seemed to happen so fast at that point.

"I said, what are you doing in my presence, idiot?" I jump back into reality. I look at Perseus, apparently not amused. I try to use all my strength, all my anger to say something but I just shake my head and begin to walk away. Of course, that was my plan until he grabbed my shoulder a bit too rough. "Oh hey, by the way thanks for the homework. Yeah, really worked out when I got a fucking zero out of twelve." He says as he turns me around and punches me in the gut. 'Where was the Coach, where was anyone?!' I curl over his fist a bit and cough out the air I had in. He leans into my ear and whispers, "Next time, do what you're asked you puppet. If you really value your life." 'If you only knew. . .' I say to myself as I slowly recover. I fall to my knees and take deep breaths. Of course, now if a Coach saw they would think it's just me recovering from track. My hand balls into a fist as the words flash. Not the ones he said about me, no, but the ones he said about her. I slowly get up, 'I'd totally get a date with Gwen. . . She's a total loser anyways. . .' And that's all it took; I started gaining speed and a fist ready towards him.

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