Chapter Fourteen: Bridges

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[The media is the song playing as Hibiki is waking up.]

"Unbelievable. I don't ask much from you, Hibiki. Just go to school and leave on top and make good grades, straight A's! Is that so hard to do?! Are you really that fucking stupid? Do you not know how hard I work so you can have food on the table and then you go around my back to get into a fight, not to emotion embarrass our reputation. . ." I do my best to ignore what she said, but her yelling and her nagging didn't allow me to as she meets me inside our apartment. I breath in and hold back my anger, but knowing even if I didn't I wouldn't do anything to her. 'I give up, why do I ever think being nice to her or doing my best would be okay for her?' I do my best sorry I could as she continues to rant. I walk to into my room and close my door, being careful not to slam it or else I'd get yet another earful. I drop my bag then grab my pillow and push it against my face, doing my best to let out any pain or anger I had before I burst like a bubble. I scream my heart out, from the spilling out the physical pain I was feeling and the emotional one. I didn't get it, I didn't want to understand it anymore, all I knew is that the bridge between my mother and I was burned down for good and I couldn't care less. But. . . As I thought that, I started to cry. 'Why? Why am I cry over something so stupid?! It's not like she cares about me, she's just keeping me around so that she doesn't have it rain over her conscience!' Yet I gripped my pillow harder and cried more. I wanted to believe that, I wanted to believe that it was the truth, but my heart knew better. 'She just wants the best for you, Hibiki. She's not the best mother in the world, but she is your mother. She loves you in her own way.' I give out a sigh and close my eyes for a bit, letting my feeling of being tired swallow myself and my energy, but not before turning on a random song on.

Ding!  I wake up startled, not only by my notifications but also on how dark it was outside. 'Crap, I slept too long, that I wasted my night away. Great, this is just my day isn't it?!' I sigh out loud and turn on my phone, quickly turning down my brightness as I read the text.

Hibiki, I know that it seems like I am mad at you, and I am sorry. I am just worried about you and only want the best for you. It's hard working at home but worrying if you are doing okay or if you are being bullied. I know I hurt you with my words and all I can say is that I am sorry. I do not want us to have fights or us to have a broken connection, especially since it is so close to you leaving for college. I love you, Hibiki, and I am sorry for being how I am. It has been hard being a single mother, but I would not change it for the world. I know you are an amazing student and I love you for how hard you work, I just want you to keep pushing yourself. You mean so much to me, and I am thankful that I gave birth to you. You were not a mistake or an accident, you was just earlier than expected, but I could not care any less if it meant I had you. I love you, goodnight.

Birth Giver Sent 11:11 PM

 I couldn't move from my bed after that for awhile, all I could really do is cry.

One Heartbeat to Another.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora