Chapter Seven: Home

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"I'm home." I whisper into the house as I close my door. The only response I ever get is the typing of a keyboard. I shuffle my way pass my mother's office, trying my best not to get her attention. However, life was not feeling generous today. "You're home late, again." she says in a tone that would scare lions. I tense up and take a deep breath as quietly as I could. "I was stuck in traffic. It was packed on-" She stops typing, making me shut up. 'Crap, she knows. She knows that I'm lying.' I say and grit my teeth. "There was no traffic on any of the routes you would have taken if you were heading straight home. You had enough time the last few days, so either you tell me the truth or I'm taking your driving privileges away again." She says and turns to me. Her dark brown eyes meet mine and I twitch a bit out of fear.  I gulp and try my best to stand straight. "I. . . was driving my friend home. They needed a ride, or else they would have been left at school for another hour or t-" "Enough, Hibiki. You know damn well that I don't put up with that shit. It's their parents duty to take care of their child, not you. If you want to act mature and make your own decisions like that, then you can start paying off your car and your own gas." She says. I bite the inside of my cheek. 'I would if you would allow me to have a job. But no, you always want me home and in bed early at nine.' I say, but lower my head in shame. "What, you think you're too good to look at me straight the eye? Huh?" I look back up and put on an expression of sadness.

"I'm sorry. I promise not to do that again. You're right, it's not my responsibility to do that." She turns back to her computer and goes back to typing. "I swear, this is why you aren't number one in your class. You don't know how to be competitive in the slightest. Dinner's on the table, you got three hours till you have to head to bed, so make them count." And with that, I drop my stuff into my room, change and eat at the dinner table. Only one word could express my emotions, and it's the same word I always use when I come home. Nothing

After finishing a quick shower, I sit on my bed and dry my hair. I look at my phone, and it reads 7:09 PM. 'Of course, there's not enough time to play games or do anything for that matter.' I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. 'Peace, stay calm. She's not worth it, she's not worth a fight or being angry over.' I say to myself over and over, each time making me get a bit angrier. It was only then when I took notice of the weather outside. It was raining, perfect for this situation.  I shudder and let out an uneasy sigh as I hear the sound of thunder close to my window. I focused in on it. 'Relaxing yet dangerous. Thank God I brought Gwen home when I could, or else. . ." I began to say to myself, drawing me to the what ifs and possibilities. "If I didn't, I'm sure she'd be fine, after all-" The sound of my notifications brings me out of my thoughts. I glance over and see a text message from Gwen. 'Huh, look at that.' I pick up and unlock my phone and begin reading the message. 'Wow, that storm looks crazy outside. Thanks for taking me home, it would have been terrible being stuck out there in the rain like that.' followed by an emoji. 'It's nothing, I'm just glad I was able to get you home in time. ^-^' I type back at her before putting my phone down to finish drying my hair. I put my towel up and lay back onto my bed, stomach first. I close my eyes for a moment to think about my emotions.

 'I know I have many emotions, I'm human after all. But. . . Why do I only feel the bad ones? Why do I have to keep faking the more happier emotions?' I grip my pillow out of frustration. 'And why am I taking this harder than usual? It's not like this if the first time it's been this way, so why am I taking today hard now?' I hit my face against my pillow, one part hoping the world around me would stop existing, another part just wishing to hear silence. And yet, I know I'd get neither because of a certain sound. 'What's so good about having a heart beat if it's meaningless to me?' I ponder, slowly losing the battle against sleep.

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