His eyes widen slightly, "Quiz on Monday?"

I nod my head.

"Can I study with you?"

I nod again and slide my textbook to him to share.

We sit in silence for a few minutes trying to concentrate. I don't know about him, but it is definitely too hard to concentrate with him so close to me and his cologne smelling so damn good. Thankfully, he speaks, breaking my awkward silence.

"Hey, do you remember that time we had a sleepover at my house when we were eight?"

I giggled at the memory.


"Remember when Aria fell asleep we drew on her face on put her hand in warm water," he laughed.

I smiled as I remember how close we all were back then. Part of me, deep deep down misses it. We were each others lifelines, together at almost every waking moment.

On that night Aria had fallen asleep while Decland and I were on one of our stay awake all night escapades. To keep ourselves up and occupied, we drew all over Aria's face in sharpie and then stuck her hand in warm water, successfully making her wet the bed. She was so upset, telling Decland's mom on us while crying hysterically.

I laughed and then asked the one question on my mind.

"What happened to us, Decland?" I asked quietly.

His smile faltered into a frown as he thought.

"I don't know. I guess we kind of just... drifter apart. Me with football, Aria with cheerleading, and you with all of your extracurriculars, we just didn't have time for each other anymore," he sighed.

I nodded in understanding as he continued.

"Look, we may not be as close anymore, but I would love to start over. I want us to be friends like we were when we were younger. I miss us, a lot. I promise, if you give me, us, this chance, we can go back to the way we used to be," he added.

I pursed my lips in thought. Aria wants nothing to do with me, she has made that clear throughout this whole year. But Decland... he actually WANTS to try...

"I don't think Aria would like that too much," I deliberated.

He furrowed his eyebrows and said, "Sure she would! She misses you! We talk about you all the time and she tells me how much she wishes you guys were still friends."

I raised an eyebrow, slightly suspicious of that newfound information.


"Come on, Avie, it'll be like old times," he smiles as he nudges my shoulder. The smile on his face looks genuine and happy to actually be talking to me, his eyes giving it away as well.

I felt my walls crumble down and myself giving in.

"Fine," I laugh.

His eyes sparkle, pleased with NY answer and our hopeful newfound friendship.

I sure am giving out a lot of chances these days. I just hope they don't backfire, I think.

Decland and I spent the rest of our time laughing and reliving old memories instead of studying.

"So are your parents still traveling?" Decland asks me as we leave.

"Yeah, they're actually in Hong Kong right now. The last I talked to them they should be home next week, sometime," I reply.

An imaginary lightbulb over his head flipped on and his face lit up as he had an idea.

"You should come stay the night!" He voiced happily.

"Oh, I-"

"I know how much you hate being alone in the house when your parents are gone. Plus my mom would be stoked to see you again after so long."

I treaded over the idea in my mind. Mrs. Blake was an extremely sweet woman and she always loved to have me over. Sometimes I liked her more than Decland.

"My mom's making spaghetti alla puttanesca and tortelliniiiiii," Decland sang.

My weakness.

"Let me just grab some stuff from home," I rushed out.

A giddy feeling settled inside my stomach as we rushed back to my house.

Okay, I know this chapter is kind of short and I apologize. It was more of a filler chapter leading up to the good stuff.

I put more of Decland in this chapter for anyone who is wanting their ship to sail off. Who knows?! With the way things are going here, it's very likely 😉

The next chapter we get a glimpse of the home life for Decland and Sin.

Until then I hope you all enjoyed!

Don't forget to


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