"Okay" I said as we hung up. I called Stiles as soon as I hung up "Hey brother"

"Hey, sis"

His voice sounded different "What's going on?" I asked. 

"Scott isn't healing"

"Healing? Why?"

"Bites from an alpha take longer to heal but something is wrong"

Derek entered my mind "I'll call you later" I hung up and grabbed my car keys and ran out of the house.

I drove to Derek's loft and opened the door as I ran inside "Derek! Derek!" I looked around but no one was here. I left his loft and got into my car. I began to head home. Once I got there I climbed off and began walking. I looked up and stopped dead in my tracks, I wasn't home. I was at the Deaton's work place.

I turned and walked into my car. Just as soon as I climbed in I put the key in the ignition and was about to turn it on when a noise at my window scared me. I shrieked and looked next to me. Derek was standing at my window with his bloody hand print on the window.

He disappeared and I quickly got out. I ran up to him "Derek!" I exclaimed. His shirt was torn up and he had deep scratches on the side of his stomach. He was coming in and out of consciousness. 

"Okay" I got up and opened the back of my car door. I walked back to Derek "Okay, come on baby. Let's get you out of here" I grabbed him and picked him up, it was hard because he was practically leaning all his weight on me. I put him into the car. I climbed into my car and drove off.

The only thing I could think of was going to his loft. I kept looking at him through the mirror. I gained speed. Once I got there I helped him get off and we approached his door. I pushed the bar up and unlocked the door. He put more of his weight on me "This isn't a good idea, I should be taking you to the hospital instead" I said as we wobbled to the bed.

"No, no hospital" He whispered.

"Baby, I can't hold you anymore" I said breathlessly "Derek" I dropped him followed by myself.

I looked at him, and leaned down to check his heart rate, it was unsteady. I grabbed onto him and picked him up with all my strength. I huffed a few times before I laid him on his bed. I picked up his shirt slowly to reveal the huge scratches, I softly gasp as I saw more "Oh my god"

"How bad?" He asked.

"Well, to be honest the oh my god would be for your unbelievable physique if it weren't for the fact that you're bleeding black blood. These are from an alpha shouldn't they be healed already?" Scott had told me everything that happened last night, the big fight they all had. He believed Derek was dead, but I didn't.

I notice him try to pick up his head but he grunted, he kept shutting his eyes and open them halfway "Oh god your not dying are you? Derek, please don't die" I could feel tears approaching my eyes. I leaned down to try and hear his heart beat. Thankfully I heard a steady heart beat.

I listened to his heart beating for awhile longer. I finally stood up from the bed and walked over to the window. I checked my phone but saw no messages from anyone. I slid it back into my pocket. I continued to look outside until I heard Derek groan and pant. I turned as saw him sitting up slowly on the edge of his bed.

"I don't think that's a good idea" I said turning my entire body.

"I have to find the others. They think I'm dead"

"I've tried calling Scott and Stiles. They don't answer"

He looked up at me before looking back down. I walked over and kneeled down in front of him "Last I know wounds from an alpha should be healed by now"

"It takes time"

My eyes scanned from his wounds all the way up his bare skin, muscular body making my way to his face.

"I'm glad your here" He said looking at me taking deep breaths. 

I grabbed onto his hand that was resting on the bed "There's no other place I want to be"

Slowly I began to get up until I reached his height. I leaned in and gave him a soft kiss before pulling away. We probably shouldn't do this, he isn't healed completely yet. I looked at him. He leaned in and kissed me roughly, he put his hand on the back of my neck. I stood up and walked around Derek to sit on the bed. I ran my hands behind his back, as he turned his head slightly. Our lips found their way back to each other. Derek turned his body to me and deepened the kiss. 

Slowly he began to pick up my shirt and I raised my arms allowing him to do so. After he took off my shirt he laid me down on the bed. Our lips continued to really get to know each other as I began to run my hands all over his body. I had forgotten about his wounds. But I didn't run over any wounds, his skin was nice and smooth. The kiss became more passionate as Derek and I entwined our hands together beside my head.

Author's Note:

It finally happened!

But we got some trouble coming our way!

Thanks for reading my story, I appreciate it.

Journey from Hatred to Love (Derek Hale)Where stories live. Discover now