Chapter 13: Never Alone

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((Hello all!! I know I've been doing a shit job keeping up with my works and I should be doing better, but thing is... it's been a bit busy with me. I'm in college now and work is hard, but I may be able to get on more.))

Cinders eyes stared into my own before he focused his attention on Lucifer. Both were equally matched. A far better match than my old alpha had. "Cinder..." I cough slightly at the pain it took to speak his name, as I see he's ready to challenge Hurstrick. Lucifer looks at his alpha and growls at my comment. Hurstrick seems just as mad and he stands up slowly. His stance and eyes said it all. He wasn't about to risk his whole pack to fight a single wolf. He calls to his pack and begins to walk away, retreating. Lucifer starts to drag me with him as I'm pulling. "No, Let me go!!" I growl and pull. Lucifer snaps and grabs my scruff in rage. He's holding my head down, but I twist my head, despite his hold on my scruff, and snap at his shoulders.

Cinder jumps at Lucifer. The force sends both of us flying because of the rope. Cinder then takes hold of the rope before snapping down hard and pulling it, tearing it up easily and allowing me to pull free and run straight to my mother while Lucifer growls at Cinder. But his alpha calls him and he glared one last time before glancing my way and leaving.

My mother immediately embraces me as she rolls me onto my side in love. She licks me and grooms me as a way to check me and make sure I'm not hurt. I wag my tail and assure her I'm alright. She pauses at my back end. She can tell what had happened. And her snarl confirmed it.

"Who did this to you?" She demanded. Her voice made me flinch slightly, but I lay my ears back and apologize by licking her chin and trying to show her I'm alright. "The beta of that pack..." I say slurred with a small whimper. My tongue would heal... but it would take time to get used to the chunk loss.

Cinder walks over to us, and gives my mother a respectful nod to his head. "We need to move... It's not safe here." He said firmly. My mother didn't seem to take to his authoritative voice, but I nodded at him, which surprised her even more. I knew I'd never get over the loss of my tongue, but either way, I could communicate my emotions and that's all that mattered. Cinder stayed by my side the whole time he led my pack. His small group of wolves did as they were told. He was a natural born alpha. It surprised me when he'd turn to me for opinions on the way he was leading. Surprised me more when he'd nudge me and try to make sure I'm okay. In response, I'd give a gentle lick to his ear or muzzle, letting him know I'm alright, or I approve.

Though we knew we weren't through with the rogue pack, our plan was to move. That was Cinders plan. He began directing my pack and leading everyone out. For the new pups, things were hard, but like a true alpha, he'd nudge them encouragingly or pick them up and assign a female to carry them. My own brother was helping and working hard to be accepted by Cinder. Maybe the pack looked to him as their new alpha. That would mean.... I widened my eyes while I walked.

I'd be the new Drappa. Alpha female...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2018 ⏰

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