Chapter 5:Pranks and Disipline

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We walked through the dead wood for quite some time. Keeping up wasn't an issue however finding the motivation... That's another story.  Hurstrick was patient with me as he led me through his job as rouge dragga despite my snide remarks and small stops of hesitation. He in fact, found them all quite amusing and childish.

His dark grey pelt was blending in with the shadows and once beautiful trees. He certainly fit well with the environment, which made me all the more different with my now bloody russet pelt. I was a mess, no doubt, and still fighting to keep my pride. As I walked, I lifted my tail and my head.

"You'll loose that tail of yours if you do that during your discipline training Sage."

"You can break my body, but you cant break my spirit.... Sir." I added with a snide snarl.

"Okay kiddo."

We continued through the wood with ease and came into a field with a small group of varg. They saw us approach and dropped their tails to the dragga. He was after all a powerful wolf. I wouldn't doubt his abilities to take on a pack twenty strong.

 Hurstrick turned to me and smirked. "I'll be letting you off the rope if you can promise me you'll behave yourself. This'll be easy if you just comply."

"And if I say no?" I asked with false hop in my voice.

"You'll just train with it on."


"So what'll it be? Can I trust you?" 

"I wont make promises..." I muttered.

"Sage." his voice rang with warning.

"Fine fine." I said rolling my eyes.

Nodding, he closed the space between us. Almost instinctively, I took an involuntary step back which made him laugh a bit. "Come now, I'm only going to rid the rope from your neck."

I didn't say anything as he leaned over my head and bit down on the rope. Forcing myself to stay still, I laid down and lowered my head so he could loosen the loop. He was able to do so, and he pulled it over once I lifted my head. Feeling the burden gone, my body felt safer and shivered slightly from his gentle caress as he lifted the rope.

"There, now if I hear ANYTHING..." he began with a snarl.

"I know, I know.... you'll have me on that rope for more than 4 moons?" I snapped. "Tie me up to a tree and beat me senseless? Rip my ears off? Ooh, sick the pack on me?"

"No..." he chuckled. "But those are all excellent ideas."

"I'm sure they are, to you."

"A strange little sikla you are indeed."

"I thought so." I said with slight pride.

He huffed and turned towards the group of varg right next to us. "You are free to punish her, but don't kill her. If you are going to punish her, let her consciousness stay awake until you are done."

They all nodded except for one. He was quite large and possibly as large as the dragga. I was still on the ground, but he and I were looking at each other. I felt something connect slightly and snarled silently to myself. He seemed amused by me, but kept his gaze. Possessive much?

"And make sure she knows her place." Hurstrick finished and turned to look down on me. With a smirk and flick of his tail, he stepped over me and made his way to the forest flicking his tail through my face before continuing.

I watched him leave and groaned inwardly. "Get up." said the one next to Mr. Possessive.

"Can I at least know your names?" I asked as I did as I was told, but I kept my tail down by my legs. A neutral place.

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