A Sikla Among Rouges (2)

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Try as I might, the rope would not break. Damn humans and their technological advances. My energy died and I eventually plopped down into a slightly uncomfortable laying position with huff. The varg around me were all nearly done scouring the land as they searched for food and trespassers. Every once in a while, one would walk over to me and give me a dominance stance. If I didn't show them the respect they didn't deserve, they would give me a sharp nip and walk off.

The day was coming to an end, and varg were settling down all around me in their designated spots. The dragga hadn't returned, which was a good thing. Personally, I hoped he was crushed under the hooves of a moose. But that thought was short lived when a powerful howl rang through the den site. Almost as if they were all in a trance, the other varg got up and howled back

Without realizing it, the wolf that confronted Malak had walked over to the tree containing my rope. I don't know how he did it, but he managed to untie the rope from the tree. Before I could go anywhere, he put the loop around his head and tightened it. I stayed in my spot and looked around at the rouge pack. My thoughts were directed towards my pack and my mother. I may be a sikla, but I have will power, and I wont break so easily. My pack would encourage me to be strong and face my fears.

When the varg had the rope situated, he gave it a little tug letting me know to get up and follow. I laid my ears back and curled my tail around myself tightly. There was no way I was going with them, willingly least.

"Really now, this will get you nowhere." He said, sarcastically lecturing me.

I looked at him with an innocent smile. "That's what I'm aiming for," I replied with a slight flick of my tail.

"You know that's not what I mean Sage." He said rolling his eyes. "If you want, I can call the dragga...." He said.

"So be it." I snarled upward and bared my teeth.

He raised an eyebrow and smirked. "I will resort to force if I have to young one," He stated as more rouges began to gather around us.

I looked around at them nervously and cowered slightly, trying to tighten myself into a ball.  I kept my ears down and closed my lips over my teeth. Toreth was gone with the drag, wherever they might be, so I wasn't as afraid. Malak trotted over with his tail up. He stopped just behind the varg with the rope.

"Does she need motivation?" He asked in a menacing way. "She could use the lesson."

The varg laughed a bit and flicked his ears. "She might, but I'll let her decide whether or not she wants to be punished.

"I'd rather die," I said through barred teeth. My hairs began to rise and I tightened my small little form.

"You'll wish you were once we're through with you," he said with a smirk. "You will come with, even if it means dragging your sorry ass all the way to the dragga."

"The dragga can bite me." I said flicking my ears.

"He just might."

"You're all a bunch of ignorant, selfish, pricks. I wont stand. You can break my body, but you can't break my spirit."

Malak turned to the wolf confronting me. The other rouges were laughing and growling at me. The wolf smiled and flicked his tail as he suddenly nodded towards Malak and the other rouges.

I tightened myself further as they approached me with dominant postures. I don't fear death, I fear pain. And pain is exactly what I'd be receiving. Malak made the first bite to my neck, allowing for little resistance as he clawed my back. The rest began to rip at my hindquarters and paws. I held in my yelps and whines as I allowed the silent tears to fall.

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