Do you love me?

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*Sexual content*

Natsu pov

Walking down the street, I pick up the familiars scent, of ash and lavender following the scent I find the hill, it's the same hill where I always meet y/n, the same one where we made our promises to each other. Walking over I see her h/l h/c blowing in the wind, her scent gets stronger the closer I get to her. "Hey" she doesn't respond or looks at me, all she does is look ahead of her, "I wanted to tell you that I am sorry," I say to her, but still nothing.

"what did I do wrong?" turn at the sound of her voice, it's so soft and gentle not something I am used too, (sorry if you are normally a gentle person) "what do you mean?" she looks at me in the corner of her eye "what did I do to make you so mad, when you found us?" I am at a loss for the words "you did nothing wrong..." I tell her, whipping a tear that has fallen from her eyes "then why did you take her side?" 'why did I take her side, maybe because you were trying to kill her, with your bare hands but I don't tell her that I just take her hands in mine and say "because...I know you are not a killer, and seeing the way you were beating her, it scared me a little bit."

She looks at me and then to the sky "do you hate me now?" "what?! No never! I could never hate" she doesn't look at me as another tear falls, "hey look at me" she doesn't "y/n look at me" still she looks at the sky like it will show her the answers "baby, look at me," I say in my gentlest tone and this time she does, her beautiful e/c eyes shine with tears "I don't hate you," I say as I whip away from her tears. I kiss her forehead and then I kiss her cheeks and then I kiss her lips, the kiss only lasts for a minute or so, but it was enough time for me to get my point across because she smiles at me "I'm sorry" she says I just smile and hold her to me as we rock back and forth for a little while. "I'm sorry too, I should have had your back," I tell her, she rubs her head into my chest as I hold her "I love you" "I love you too," she says as she falls asleep in my arms.

y/n pov

Waking up with the sun in my eyes, and a warm heat on my back, I turn over to face Natsu, he was watching me as I made eye contact with him "good morning you" I say to him "morning." I shudder a bit at the sound of his voice, deep and sexy. I feel his lips on mine but I pull away quickly "what?" he says and I just smile "morning breath" I get ready to stand up but Natsu grabs my waist and pulls me back to him, then he takes my hands at pins them above me "I am going to kiss you...and you are doing to like it" he says with that sexy voice, Natsu kisses my forehead and then moves to my lips, the kisses are different as he presses into me, I moan at the feeling of him and his tongue swept in, the kiss didn't last long as he pulled away from me, staring into my eyes I can see the burning desire in his onyx eyes, and then our lips context again. 

*Sexual content* 3rd pov

Natsu ground into her and groaned into her mouth at the first push of his hips against her as they fought for dominance, y/n arches her back at the feeling of him taking over her as he pushes her into the ground, "~Natsu" she moans at the feeling of him sliding down her body, "may I take this off?" he says it with a gentle tone, I try to speak but nothing comes out so I just nod my head. Natsu slowly pulls off my leggings, as he takes a breath "do you always wear this?" he holds up black lace underwear "yeah...I have a matching set" I tell him, he cocks his head and stares at them, and then he smiles. His hands tightened on her bare thighs, and spreads them, his head lowered and all she saw was his pink hair, as he blows on her clitoris, she moans as he tastes her. 

He drags his tongue clear up her center, she moans as she grips his hair, he licked her again, and stops atop her clitoris, sucking it into his mouth, teeth nipping at her, y/n pulls harder on his hair as Natsu groans, sending the vibration up her body. Arching her body and she moans louder than she has before, Natsu tongue runs down her in a sweep, he puts a hand on her abdomen, stilling her as he slid his tongue straight into her core, he curled his tongue and then diving deeper into her than she'd expected "w-were d-did you learn this" he just smiles at her as he sucks on her clit again causing her to moan. 

"That's for me to know...and you to never find out" Natsu moves his hands to her enter and slid a finger into her, she tries to arch her body but the hand on her abdomen keeps her from moving, as he starts to pumping in and out, she cries out as he slows down and then speeds up again and again. Y/n moves her hips against him, trying to get him deeper into her, she moves hard enough to drive his finger deeper "~yes! Just like that" she cries out as Natsu pumps deeper and harder into her breaking her walls the deeper he goes. 

Natsu hit y/n g-spot as "I-I'm coming" y/n feels the full force of her climax, as she collapses as she feels Natsu kiss her inner thigh, he meet her face again and smiles "was it good" "good? No, but amazing yes!" she says kissing him as she tastes herself on him. "I am glad your happy with my work" she smiles, Natsu stands and y/n looks down to where she can see the hardness in his pants "you want help with that," she asks he looks down at himself and then at her "no, let's save this for another time" he grabs her closes and hands them to her as she gets dress. "Okay, you ready to go?" "yep," she smiles as he takes her hands and the head to the guild. 

Always and Forever (Natsu x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ