The Battle of Fairy Tail

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Lucy pov

It's was now the 2nd part of the trials and the people left are Cana & me Gray & Loki/Leo and Natsu & Happy, Levy & Gajeel, Elfman & Evergreen, everyone else is at the camp waiting. I watch Natsu as he and Happy celebrate their win against y/n, I hate her, ever since she came back that's all Natsu can talk about how "y/n this, y/n that" 'she is not that special she's not better than me, she is less than weaker than.' I glare at y/n as she stands info of everyone there's a large scare that goes from under her breast to her waist, 'did my Natsu do that?' I look back at Natsu as he is not watching y/n, they are looking at one other like they are the only ones in the whole world, I watch as she licks her lips and Natsu starts to blush as he looks away from him. Heat fills my body as I watch the two of them 'if I want Natsu I'm going to have to get rid of y/n'

Y/n pov

"Okay, people the next part is you have to find first Master's grave that where Gramps is. Here this riddle solves it and you'll find them" I said giving everyone a paper. Once everyone was off some random guy came and tried to attack me, I see black light, being shot off in my direction, I reach out my hand and consume it, it doesn't feel like the powers that I am used to "Stay away for me"  "Sorry, but you are on the private property of Fairy Tail" I said bringing my powers to the surface, "Which means you got to go" a black surge of power ran up my arm, I pointed to in the direction of the ground. "cataclysm" it shoots into the ground, the floor starts to break as it pushed its self to the guy. I watch as it breaks under him but he simply just stands there, "who are you?" he was a young man, with high-collared black robes with gold trim, with a large, flowing white toga draped around his torso. He has short black hair, dark eyes. 

"You just consumed dark magic how are you still alive," he asks 'wait did he say dark magic? No one uses dark magic except dark guilds' "what guild are you from?" he watches me with sad eyes as he says "I can't remember" "do you know who you are?" he shakes his head no, soon a black wave of power shoots out from under his, as it moves all the trees start to die along with the wildlife in the forest, I watch it as I start to back away 'shit' I run faster as it gets bigger, 'I have to tell everyone I keep running until I believe I am far away from his attack, 'that was close'

Gray pov

After some weird guy came and attack Lucy and Cana, I need up losing them and Leo, so I was walking around the forest trying to find anyone I can "hello? anyone?" I yell, I heard a restyling noise come from behind me "ice make.." I stop seeing that it's just y/n "you scared you" I tell her she smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes "what's wrong?" I ask walking up to her, she looks around and then back at me "there was this guy, he had an immense magical power, and he was using dark magical" "do you know who he is" "no, that's the thing, he doesn't know who he is either" we both stare at each other when a pink light appears on my wrist "what the hell?" I say as y/n looks over at me "what?" I hold up my wrist as she takes it and looks it over "what is this?" "I have no Ide-" I stop as I feel a sharp pain in my side "ahh" I close my eyes at the pain "Gray? What's wrong?" I hear y/n say to me but then I feel another pain in my leg "it hurts" I tell her. 

I open my eyes to her concerned ones "what hurts?" she asked but then I feel it again pain, "I can't feel my leg" I say y/n look around like she looking for something "okay Gray, I know it hurts but you have to stay quiet" she tells me I don't understand, so I look in the direction and see a lady sitting with some guy in her lap, talking to him. "who is that?" y/n looks over at me "that's the guy who killed everything in the forest" she tells me I watch as she shrinks back a little. 

"what are we going to do?" "We are doing nothing, you can barely walk and you keep getting these flashes of pain" I didn't tell that they don't go away, and it feels like something is attacking me, we wait "why are you crying?" I look over at y/n "what?" I feel my faces as I wipe the tears that are falling from my faces "I don't know" 

(time skip)


I watch as Gray fights Ultear, He makes ice using his maker magic but she uses her time magic to make it disappear "you sure you don't want my help?" I yell to him, as he in the case himself in Ice but Ultear makes that disappear too, "No!" Gray yells back, but before her attack could hit him I make a shield around the two of us, as her balls start to disintegrate once they touch it "I told you to stay out of it" "I know you did, but I was not going to sit by and let her kill you!" I say back as I send a wave of my magic at her, she tries to make it disappeared but it doesn't, it pushes her to the wall and holds her there as I start to drain her of her power "y/n stop! This is my fight" I look at Gray as he stares me down. "fine" I say to him as I let her go and they go back to fighting. 

Gray and Ultear go off the cliff's edge, "Gray!" I reach out to them but it's too late they have fallen off and are now in the water 'have faith' I tell myself. "y/n lookout" I turn to have a wave of dark magic hit, "ahh" it hits me right in the same wound that Natsu gave me this morning, I look down to see my bandages stain with red, "shit" I look back to where the attack came from and I see that guy looking at me "lord Zeref" a girl with pink hair says as she bows to him 'Zeref? as in the dark lord Zeref?" I watch him as he watches me. 

"I know your father" "what?" He just stands there and raises his hand once again getting ready to attach me "how? Do you know him?" I stand up, but I falter a little bit "he tried to kill someone I loved" I stare in surprise at the words of this man "w-what?" Zeref shoots a dark beam at me and I doge it, I cry out in pain, as I look at my wound again but the blood has started seeping through the bandages 'I can't keep this up' "why are you here?" I yell out to him once again he just watches me, he shakes his head and then holds it, as that same power started to pour out of him "Juvia run" I tell her she looks to me and then to the girl with pink hair, the both of them run as the attack gets bigger. 'this is going to hurt' I stand and put my hands together "desolation" my gray light surrounds me and Zeref "Cataclysmic dragon secret art Salvation!" a blinding white light surrounds us as it starts to consume Zeref, soon he is in a white little ball, I fall to the ground, touching my stomach as I can feel the blood 'i'm going to bleed out. Watching my gray sky as my eyes get heavy, and soon complete darkness. 


Hello readers, I hope you are liking the story so far. :)

powers: Salvation: allows you to make a shielded ball that keeps anyone on inside safe from outside attacks and anyone inside concealed until you lift the spell. 

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