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Natsu pov

"aww come on Amor" I put Sun onto my hip, taking another burned piece of clothing into the trash, and walking over to my wife, as she rocks Amor, "he won't stop crying," she tells me as she hmms their favorite song. Yet it doesn't work, even though the twins are 5 now they only started using their powers, Sun has the same ability as me and her mother, she is a dragon slayer, but the only difference is that she can use fire and water, and she can change into a dragon, Amor is a cataclysmic dragon slayer, and he too can turn into a dragon, just like his sister and mother. I tell you chasing little dragons has now become my every Saturday morning. "I don't know what happen, I just walk into the room and he was crying," she says as she holds Amor, he is holding onto his mother for dear life, I look around for his favorite toy but I can't find it, but not soon do I not see a pile of ash on the floor, "I think I know why," I tell her she looks to where I am pointing and see the pile of ash "he destroyed his toy," she says as she picks it up "regeneration" the toy forms it's self back into the way it was as y/n hands it to him "here my little dragon" she hands him the dragon toy and he stops crying and just holds onto it smiling. 

"Ready?" "yeah"

🎵Play the song🎵

(Y/n) pov

We have made our way to the guildhall, Sun, and Amor play with the others as I and Natsu head over to the bar "hey you two" Mira smiles as she hands up a cup of ale, Natsu chuckles as he drinks his ale, I just push mine over to him and he drinks that too. "What are you guys up to?" I ask her as she just smiles "I'm helping take care of Juvia," I turn to Juvia as she tries to sit down on one of the stools "let me get a chair for you" Natsu say getting up to get a chair for her "how's the second pregnancy?" I ask, Juvia smiles as she rubs her stomach "it's challenging, but I did it before I can do it again" she tells me, I smile at her, "may I?" I ask as I reach for her stomach she nods her head as I lay my hand on her stomach I can feel her child kick as I laugh "a kicker" we both laugh at that as I move my hand. Natsu has come back with a chair and Juvia thanks him as she sits down

"So where's Gray and Storm?" Natsu asks as he sits Amor on the bar, I look around for Sun to see her playing with Erza, "they are over there" she pointed to another side of the room where Gray and his son are looking at the job request board, soon they find one and start to head over to where we are, "hey" I hug Gray and fistbump Storm as he is set onto the bar, "Hey, what are you guys up too" I point to my kids, Amor playing with Maira and Sun playing with Erza. "Hey wanted to come over so here we are," I tell them, Gray nods his head as Juvia smiles "I get what you mean, Storm loves coming to the guildhall" I look at the toddler, his raven hair falls in his face as he sits next to his father "kids am I right?" I say. Gray and Juvai had Storm 6 months after I had Sun and Amor, and now Juvia is pregnant with another kid. 

A screaming is ringing throughout the guildhall "y/n!" I turn to the sound of Erza voice as she points to Sun, she has to turn into her dragon form and is burning a table "Sun, no stop that!" Natsu yells, but she doesn't stop she just keeps burning this, soon there are two dragons in the air, Sun is burning stuff and Amor is just flying around, I grab their tails and pull them to the ground, they land on a table and turn back into their human forms "..." I don't say anything as I just watch them, Natsu is helping put out the fires "what are you two doing?!" they bow their heads and turn away from me "we are sorry mommy" Amor says "yeah sorry mommy" 

I try not to smile at them, as I say "you two are grounded" they look at me and start to cry but I don't do anything as they pour their eyes out "are you done?" I ask, Sun looks at me from the corner of her eye and Amor just keeps going. I know that Amor tears are really but, Sun hers are just for show. "Natsu" I pick up the two toddlers and hold them as I start to walk over to the exit, "we will pay for the damages" Natsu yells as he heads out with me and the kids. 

We make it home as I step both kids in the bed, they have fallen asleep on the way here. "I love those kids, but they really kill me sometimes," I tell Natsu he smiles as he says, "want to have some mommy and daddy time?" he wiggles his eyebrows as she says it too, I just laugh and walk into our room "I love mommy and daddy time" he kisses me as we fall onto the bed, I wast no time taking off his close and as I get on top of his I hear him snoring "really Natsu," I say as I get off of him. He has passed out on me, I roll my eyes and put on my pj's, and go to sleep. 

Always and Forever (Natsu x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن