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     “Yes… no, I understand… thank you.” Elliot hung up his phone as he struggled out of his jacket, being careful to avoid the bruises that spotted his ribs.

     “Is everything okay?” I set down my coffee and went to hang his jacket up for him.

     His brow was creased with worry, making him look years older than he was. His hair had obviously been ruffled multiple times by his restless fingers that still twitched nervously at his side.

     “I think so… at least for now.” He quickly kissed my forehead and disappeared into the kitchen.

     A moment later he returned with a glass of whisky in his hand that had already been halfway drained.

     “Elliot… what’s going on?”

     He sat next to me but couldn’t seem to get comfortable. “Um, someone was following me on the way to the office… and on the way back. I have no clue who they are.” He paused to take another long swig of his drink. “I just contacted someone about figuring out who they are and what they want. I need to keep you safe, though.”

     “They didn’t touch you, did they?” I felt my pulse quicken in both fear and anger toward this stranger.

     “Not this time…” He finished his drink with another large gulp and flung the glass down on the table. “Dammit I just don’t know what to do, Sam!”

     “Hey, hey. We’ll figure it out… together. It’ll all be okay. I promise.” I lightly ruffled his already messy hair and smiled at him, trying to be reassuring though my confidence was nowhere to be found.

     “But what if it isn’t?”

      “No, Dad. I understand what you’re saying, but that’s not realistic… I’m sorry but the answer is no. It’s not just me that this affects, either.” Elliot glanced at me with a small gleam of affection in his eye—the first sign of content that he’d shown since he’d come back home. “Yes, she’s here and safe. I had her stay home from work today… I know.”

     He glanced at me and turned around as if he was trying to keep what he was about to say a secret. “I just want to keep her safe… tell me what I can do… other than that, Dad… yeah, okay just call me back.”

     Elliot squatted in front of me and took my hands in his, pressing them to his lips.

     “How’s your dad?”

     “He’s good. He said to tell you hello… and that everything’s going to be fine. He’s going to try to help us figure out what’s going on.”

     “Well, you obviously aren’t open to some of his suggestions,” I teased as he stood and went back to the window.

     “I don’t think you would be either, sweetheart. Whatever happens effects you just as much as it does me.”

     “What was he thinking?”

     “He wants us to move… become more secluded. We’d go far away and have to cut most of the ties we have to Dallas.”

     “Is he crazy? You can’t do that! You’ve worked so hard to build your company and get to where you are! You can’t just stop…”

     “See?” He turned to face me and leaned against the wall of windows behind him.

     I nodded and gulped back the lump in my throat. Was this going to be that serious… that we’d have to move away?

     “I’m not going make a decision that asks anything of you like that, Sam. We’ll figure out who’s behind this and go from there, okay?”

     “Okay.” I felt my teeth sink into my bottom lip as my fingers knotted in my lap. Before I could realize it, a tear fell from my eye and onto my hand.

     “Hey… please don’t cry. We’re going to be okay.” Elliot came back across the living room and pulled me up into his arms which still felt slightly weaker than usual. His hold on me wasn’t as tight, either—the bruises that covered his ribs and chest obviously creating an invisible barrier between us.

     “Seriously, Elliot, look at you! You’re still taking painkillers every few hours because some crazy man hurt you! And I’m just as scared as you are… of all of this… of losing you. And your dad thinks it may be serious enough to leave everything behind! I-”

     “Shh. I’m going to be fine sweetheart. We both are.” His lips pressed gently to mine, fighting to reassure me no matter how panicked we both were. 

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