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     “How was work, darling?” Elliot asked as I came in the front door.

     “Long and tiring. I think it’s crazy how the one night that I didn’t sleep a wink came on the night before I had my longest shift in the last six months.” I sighed. “Wait… You aren’t supposed to be home yet. I thought you were supposed to work late tonight.” I paused to kiss him before I dropped my keys in the bowl on the table by the door.

     “Well, don’t get too excited there, sweetheart. Nice to see you, too.” He grinned and kissed my forehead.

     “I’m sorry; you just caught me off guard.” I followed him to the couch and sank down next to him, the long day already pulling at my eyelids.

     “I pulled a few strings and got some work done early, and I wanted to have dinner ready for you when you got home.” He smiled at himself and stood. “Wait here.”

     Elliot seemed younger when he was excited about something—though power still filled the air around him—and it was nice to see. He’s nice to see anytime, who are you kidding?

     “Okay, come here,” He called from the dining room.

     I stood from my comfortable spot on the couch and kicked my shoes off on the way to the table. I stopped in my tracks in the wide doorway to the dining room. The table was gone and in its place a blanket lay on the floor with candles spread around it. A bottle of wine sat in a bucket of ice and Elliot stood with his hands shoved in his pockets.

     “I know you’re a few months underage, but… it’s the best…” He smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. “And hey, people a lot younger than you drink anyway, so-”

     “What is this for?” I snaked my arms around his waist and looked around again, fully astonished at his romantic gesture.

     “You,” he chuckled then shrugged. “You seemed really upset this morning and… I dunno, I just wanted to, you know, sweep you off your feet.”

     “Well, I’m definitely swept.” I blushed and looked up at him already swept me off my feet. He seemed to do so every single day, and every single day he seemed to top it all.

     “Oh, just wait. I do have dinner, too.” He winked at me with the boyish smile still lingering on his face. That smile is so damn cute.

     “Elliot this is-”

     “Shh. Try this.” He smiled as he placed the wine glass in my hand and brushed his fingers against mine.

     The cold glass gently pressed against my lips and the red liquid seeped through into my mouth. I didn’t know exactly what I expected it to taste like, but I knew the taste in my mouth wasn’t it. It really was delicious—though I wouldn’t expect any different as good as Elliot was with food. I let a large amount spill into my mouth and smiled after I swallowed.

     “Good, isn’t it?” Confidence gleamed in Elliot’s eyes.

     “Delicious. You certainly have a way with food.”

     He smiled widely and lay down on his side, propping himself up on his elbow. He looked… enticing. In a matter of seconds, he’d made me forget all about wanting to go straight to bed. He’d made me forget how tired I was and replaced the lethargy in my veins with a vibrant dose of adrenaline.

     “This is amazing, Elliot,” I said as I lay down next to him.

     “Only the best for you, darling.” Affection filled his eyes and he took a sip of his wine. The reflection of the glass in the dim lighting of the candles gleamed in his eyes.

     “I can’t believe you did all of this for me…”

     “Why is that, dear? I’d do anything for you.” He brushed one of my curls behind my ear.

     “Well, that I don’t doubt one bit. You’re so sweet to me, Elliot. It’s just… amazing. This is like a dream to me. It’s so perfect and unbelievable…”

     “Well, believe it, baby,” he chuckled under his breath as he sat up. “I’m going to grab dinner for us. Don’t go anywhere.”

     He had a certain spring in his step, and it made him seem years younger than he was… or at least than he seemed on a regular basis. I loved Elliot at all times, but when he was excited about something, there was a spark in his eyes that excited my heart. His happiness was my happiness, and I figured that was what love was supposed to feel like. I felt too afraid to pinch myself because I worried that I’d wake up, and if this was a dream, I didn’t want to wake up… ever. 

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