Day in the life • Phil

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"Hello guys!" Phil said, waving at the camera.

"So, I'm out in the living room, since I didn't want to film in my room because y/n is still asleep in there. But I thought I would do a day in the life with Phil and y/n! You know, since we just moved into a house together and stuff, why not!"

Phil walked over to the kitchen and turned on the coffee maker machine thingy (now thats a hot name). "Alright so I'm going to make coffee, not for y/n though, since she doesn't drink it." He paused for a moment until he heard the ding! of the coffee maker machine thingy. He poured coffee into his Hello Kitty mug.

About ten minutes later, he was half done with his coffee, so he turned the camera back on and started walking to his room that he now shared with you.

"Lets go see if y/n is awake!" Phil said, quietly opening the door. He walked in the room so see you in bed, laying down on your phone.

"Hello internet, wait EW I LOOK GROSS GET THE CAMERA OFF ME!" You said, flailing your arms why trying to cover your face.

You weren't far off from the truth, since you just woke up. Your hair was in a messy bun that had pratically fallen out due to sleep, you have bags under your eyes, and you were wearing an old tee shirt.

"You look fine!" Phil said as he sat down next to you. He put his head on your shoulder. Phil doesn't like pda.

You smile, but still roll your eyes. "Alright, we better actually start our day." You said, taking the camera out of Phil's hand.

You raise it above your head to get that good Myspace angle. "Okay, I'm going to get an outfit, out in some makeup, and do my hair, so because of that, you get to see the totally not boring things Phil does in the morning!" You say, giving the camera to Phil. He walks out of the room.

Firstly, you take a shower. Alright, 5 minutes (you cut about 30 minutes of your normal shower time out due to the video). You get dressed in an all white shirt that has a black heart smack in the middle, paired with some black leggings to match the heart. You put your (y/h/c) hair in a high pony tail, trying to match the casual look of your outfit. You out on mismatched socks and walk downstairs.

"Ah, look who's back from getting ready!" Phil said.

He changed from his messy hair, glasses, and plaid pjs to contacts, nicely done hair, black skinny jeans, mismatching socks (there is where your other cat sock went) and his bat shirt.

"Nice look going on there." You said, more so eyeing his bat shirt.

"Hey!" Phil said laughing. "I think I look battastic in it!"

"There is a window to jump out of and a door right there" You say, pointing at the exit while trying to hold back laughter.

"Ugh, let's just get going. What do we need today miss y/n?" Phil asked, pointing the camera at you.

"Well, we need some furniture, just a foot rest and a mirror. Then we can just go shopping, I need new shoes anyways"

You guys left your flat and out into the warm, London atmosphere.


"So, we forgot to film our journey to get furniture, but we are here at (y/f/s) getting shoes!" Phil said.

You come up behind him, showing him the pair you want. They are Adidas originals, mainly black with white accents.

"Those are nice. Phil approves!" You knew he would put some sort of sound effect there.


"We are back home now, we just ordered pizza and are now starting to watch anime!" You said, putting up a piece of pizza so the camera could see it.

"That's really what we are going to be doing for the rest of the night. I hope you enjoyed this short little video, byeeee!" Phil said, waving at the camera. You said bye as well and waved at the camera. After a few seconds, Phil turned off the camera.

"I think this was a successful day." Phil said, pulling you just a little bit closer. You didn't know if it was because he loved you, or if he wanted  to reach the newly made popcorn better. Probably both.

And that's how you ended your night.


Aye! That's the end of this imagine. Also this book is almost at 100,000 reads OH DEAR THANK YOU! I think I might end this book (And start a new one! Don't worry!) Very soon. This book is so cluttered, and is almost a year old! Just three days.
It's also because Dan and Phil are kinda starting a new era? Kinda? They moved, Dan rebranded, Phil is well, still Phil. But I want to make imagines like the people they are now.
Tha k you guys all so much for the support you have given me over this year of making this book. I never though I would get even 1k reads on this book. And now look where we are!

Thank you, thank you so much.

Bai my Sparks!

Dan and Phil imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora