Mummy!~ Preference~ Tumblr

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Your little brunette daughter sits on the carpet in the middle of the room. She plays quietly while you read a book by the window and Dan does some work on his laptop on the sofa. Without warning, a doll goes flying across the room and lands unceremoniously next to Dan on the sofa. "Woah there," he says, looking over, "What did that doll ever do to you?"

The four-year-old strokes her other doll's hair lovingly and places her on top of a matchbox car. "She told Shayna she couldn't drive her car," she says, "That was mean."

"It sure was," you agree with an amused look at your husband. Dan just shrugs and takes a sip of his coffee.

And then, "That girl's a bitch."

You gasp suddenly and Dan chokes on his coffee. "Where did you learn that word, love?" he asks your daughter carefully.

"Mummy," she says simply. Your eyes widen and Dan looks at you accusingly, trying to withhold his laughter. You hide your bruning face behind your magazine while Dan gently tells your daughter that it's not nice to say things like that.

There were complications, just like you expected there to be. However, you didn't expect to be out like a light as soon as you heard your baby cry for the first time. You were terribly allergic to pregnancy hormones, and after almost nine months of pure hell, it was finally over. However, you never found out if your baby was really okay before you passed out.

Now you are coming to. As your mind starts to clear, you hear a voice start to filter in through the fog. It's Phil's. You don't open your eyes yet, but you can hear him now. He must still be sitting right next to your bed.

"You're going to love the bedding we picked out for you," he was saying in a slightly higher voice than he usually talks in, "It's fluffy and green, because even though you are a girl right now, we didn't want to pressure you with the choice of pink and blue. And daddy -that's me, you know- picked out a really cute stuffed lion for you. Well, Uncle Dan helped."

You open your eyes. Phil is holding a little white pile of blankets in his left arm while his right hand supports the head, just like you told him just days ago. You see a pink hat peeking over the blankets. Your little girl looks to be just fine. "And don't worry, you have so much clothing to keep you warm. I've never seen so many tiny pairs of socks in my entire life." he says, his eyes going wide with emphasis.

You laugh lightly. Phil looks up and grins brightly at you, and you give him a watery smile in return. You can already see your little family is going to be perfect. "Look, Little Lion," murmurs Phil softly as he tilts the baby up so you can see her face. Her eyes are already open and blinking. "Mummy."

Dan and Phil imaginesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя