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Woop Woop PINOF 8 is tomorrow

Thanks for all of the support I've been getting. Thanks for understanding. Here is part one of a Tumblr imagine!

You slam the computer shut after watching Dan’s latest video. Once again, he hadn’t followed through on his promise to make a video letting his fans know you exist. For months now he’d been saying he’d do it, and for months he’d been avoiding it. You just don’t understand why he’d say he was going to do it if he didn’t intend to. Plus, it kind of bothered you that he still wanted to keep you a secret. You’ve been together for nearly three years now, and have lived together for over a year, and yet his fans had no inkling that you exist. It’s beginning to make you crazy. Is he embarrassed of you? Does he have something else going on and doesn’t want her to find out about you? Millions of possibilities fly through our mind and none of them are positive.

By the time Dan gets home, you’ve worked yourself into a frenzy. You storm out of your bedroom to greet him in the living room. “Hi,” he says, kicking off his shoes.

You cross your arms and stand in the hallway, leaning up against the wall. “Anything you want to explain?” you say, cutting to the chase as you aren’t in the mood to dance around anything.

“What do you mean?” he asks.

You raise your eyebrows, “Your new video?”

“Oh you saw it? What did you think?”

“I think it wasn’t what you said it was going to be.”

Dan looks down, knowing what you’re getting at and knowing that he’s in trouble, “Oh, right. Look I-“

You throw your hands up, not in the mood for his typical excuses. “I don’t want to hear it, Dan. Every time it’s the same fucking excuses and lies. I’m sick of it. If you’re so embarrassed about this relationship and unwilling to share it then maybe it shouldn’t exist.” You turn around and storm back into your bedroom. You grab a bag and begin to shove clothes into it.

Dan follows you, spewing his usual crap about how he swears in the next video he’ll tell his fans he is in a relationship. You tune him out, you are so tired of hearing the same thing time after time that you can’t afford to listen to him now, for the sake of your own sanity.

You move into the bathroom, throwing your toothbrush and a few necessary accessories into the bag.

“Where are you going?” Dan asks quietly, and you just notice that he has followed you into the bathroom and stopped his slew of excuses.

You don’t meet his eyes as you head towards the door of the apartment you’ve shared for over a year. “That’s none of your business,” you say icily.

“What do you mean?” he asks.

You turn around the face him before you walk out the door. “I don’t know, Dan,” you say. “I need some time.”

You shut the door behind you before he can respond and take a shaky breath before walking towards the tube station. You dial up your best friend, Noel’s phone number and explain the situation when she answers. “Can I stay at your place? At least for a few days, until I can figure out what I want to do?” you ask, trying your hardest to hold back your tears.

“Of course, y/n. Come on over,” she replies sympathetically, and you hop on the tube to do just that.

Dan and Phil imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now